1st Grow 8 weeks into Flower

This is my first time posting, made it through veg and most of flower but I'm 8 weeks into flowering with 2 blackjack and three bag seed growing under one 1000 watt hps in a 6x6 room. Keeping my water around 6-6.5ph with temps fluctuating from 70-80 F. They've done good so far, I think it's getting close to time though, my leaves are starting to yellow at the bottom but I wanted some more experienced opinions. Been checking trichomes every day or so and am flushing now with no more nutes. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you are doing what you need to do. How far do you have the lights from your plants? What kind of lights are you using? Those just look a bit airy in my opinion so i'm wondering if they are getting enough light.
Sounds like you are doing what you need to do. How far do you have the lights from your plants? What kind of lights are you using? Those just look a bit airy in my opinion so i'm wondering if they are getting enough light.
The hps light I've got is a hydrofarm 1000w with a xtrasun brand bulb. I'm not sure exactly how far the lights are from the plants but it's roughly 2-3 feet. I've also got two small LED lights for a little xtra light on two of the bag seed plants. They seem to be doing the best.

I believe the last two pics that look so airy are from the blackjack. They've been a bit tougher to keep happy but I feel like I've done ok for a first time. Plenty of learning going on. (Went the whole first month before realizing my ph was around 7.3-7.5 without adjustment lol) if it keeps me from buying overpriced ditch weed from my usual guy I'll be happy!
I do also have a 4 bulb 4 foot long t5 I'm using to veg if that means anything. Learning as I go man, learning as I go.... Thanks for any pointers at all


Well-Known Member
The hps light I've got is a hydrofarm 1000w with a xtrasun brand bulb. I'm not sure exactly how far the lights are from the plants but it's roughly 2-3 feet. I've also got two small LED lights for a little xtra light on two of the bag seed plants. They seem to be doing the best.

I believe the last two pics that look so airy are from the blackjack. They've been a bit tougher to keep happy but I feel like I've done ok for a first time. Plenty of learning going on. (Went the whole first month before realizing my ph was around 7.3-7.5 without adjustment lol) if it keeps me from buying overpriced ditch weed from my usual guy I'll be happy!
Yup definitely a learning curve sounds like you got your stuff pretty solid.


Well-Known Member
Go by the terminator line on the tent or grow room wall this will show you how far the lights are above the plants you want the termination line about 6 inch above the plants ,around the grow room.this may mean having the lights about 1 1/2 ft above the plants may be abit higher or less,the line will show you
Go by the terminator line on the tent or grow room wall this will show you how far the lights are above the plants you want the termination line about 6 inch above the plants ,around the grow room.this may mean having the lights about 1 1/2 ft above the plants may be abit higher or less,the line will show you
I really feel like a noob now but what's a terminator line? I'm assuming the line where the light reaches on the room walls? I feel like it's pretty bright in there, it feels like I've been looking at the sun directly if I spend a few minutes in there and come out to regular room lights. I will be checking as soon as I get home though and see how far they are


Well-Known Member
yea ya right the light line around the room wants to be has close to tops has possible this will mean the whole garden is receiving same light.

Also start wearing some glasses even if there just sun glasses,you need to protect your eyes if your going to be doing this on a full time basis

good luck
Thanks guys, I checked and had the light about 3-3 1/2 ft high. Lowered it about a foot and added back the 8 CFLs I had before I got the hps. Figured the more light the better. Im def seeing a lot of yellowing on the slightly older bagseed plant, I went ahead and got more water ph'd to water them before work tonight when the lights come back on. Hopefully this will fill them in more before I have to cut them down....

What would happen if I kept the nutes going and flowered them longer? Will it die anyways once they hit 10-12 weeks depending on the strain and wtf ever was in that bag of mid the others came from

Thanks for all the help, I'll keep updating until the end, curing and first toke ✌

Edit: just realized the THC would go to shit if I went too long.... I guess I should've asked if the plants would make more buds and fill in if I tried to extend the flowering stage longer


Well-Known Member
Nice first grow, I think it needs a couple more weeks. On your next grow paint the walls white or use panda film, It'll be more beneficial to your plants than a couple cfl's and with less heat.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I checked and had the light about 3-3 1/2 ft high. Lowered it about a foot and added back the 8 CFLs I had before I got the hps. Figured the more light the better. Im def seeing a lot of yellowing on the slightly older bagseed plant, I went ahead and got more water ph'd to water them before work tonight when the lights come back on. Hopefully this will fill them in more before I have to cut them down....

What would happen if I kept the nutes going and flowered them longer? Will it die anyways once they hit 10-12 weeks depending on the strain and wtf ever was in that bag of mid the others came from

Thanks for all the help, I'll keep updating until the end, curing and first toke ✌

Edit: just realized the THC would go to shit if I went too long.... I guess I should've asked if the plants would make more buds and fill in if I tried to extend the flowering stage longer
You could even lower it more, best way to do is turn your hand around and see how close you can get your hand without your palm getting hot/warm then keep it above that point, I normally can keep mine 1-1.5 feet and I won't ever burn them but some strains seem to not like being close like this liberty haze I got wasn't even that close and started to burn for some reason when the rest were fine, but looks good overall the one does look airy but you gotta start somewhere, happy growing