1st grow and it shows. What did i do wrong


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure I have some type of contaminants. Been in flowing close to a week. Temps in high 60s. Near 100% humidity. Fan with fresh air 2 to 3 times a day. Light on 7hrs a day. What did I do wrong. I'm clearly a newbie here. So don't beat me up to bad.

Another idea is to rehydrate and cold shock, by submerging in cold water and refrigerate over night. This is generally done between flushes and seems to trigger vigorous growth.
Too humid, more air exchange. Drill2" holes, maybe 4 low and a couple high and stuff with polyfill.
I do also have a small fish tank air pump but it bairly pushes air. You have to put it to your cheek to feel the air coming out.
Drill holes like fall guy said. Shotgun fruiting chamber is what you should be making. Those cakes should have a barrier between them and the perlite. A little foil square to sit on would suffice.
The colors of the cakes are not great. Yellowing looks like it was caused by being stressed out. The blue color hopefully is just bruising. I’m thinking you left the jars sit for too long before birthing them.

my 2C. I haven’t grown mushies in a few years so I’m probably out dated.
The colors of the cakes are not great. Yellowing looks like it was caused by being stressed out. The blue color hopefully is just bruising. I’m thinking you left the jars sit for too long before birthing them.

my 2C. I haven’t grown mushies in a few years so I’m probably out dated.
My knowledge and experience in this area hasn't been used for close to 20 years.
I've also seen them inoculating pre cooked uncle bens brown rice bags. I did notice the free spore ring is no longer a thing. Roger rabbits videos also taught me.
Resoak the cakes.. bring your temp up.. and when spraying water, either spray way above the chamber so only small dropplets are falling or spray into the side of the chamber being carefull not to spray directly at the cakes.. and give good fea. If temps, fea and moisture are dialed in it should only take 5-7 days for pins to start forming..
Like stated you need way more air exchange.. iven with holes drilled 2 inches apart like a sgfc should be its still not enough..
The yellowing could be bacteria,
Id try increasing airfow and isolate the iffy ones in a separate terrarium
Drill holes like fall guy said. Shotgun fruiting chamber is what you should be making. Those cakes should have a barrier between them and the perlite. A little foil square to sit on would suffice.
It's funny you mention the foil on the bottom. (Slight oversite on my part, it was on my "to do when it's time" but completely forgot. but to that point on the foil. AFTER i had posted my original OP. I was looking at my cakes later after I made this post I noticed my first pin........growing from the perlite. look closely at the first picture where you can see all my cakes, look at the base of the of the cake that is 2nd from the top right. right at the base on the right side is a pin. i literally just saw this a little bit ago. so I am seeing signs of pinning.
Thanks guys, I will defiantly make the changes suggested by you guys. Didn't really expect to much on my first attempts at shrooms but im surprised I've gotten this far. Like growing weed, expect there to be a learning curb. I've got my weed farming down to a science. Just decided to try something a little more of a challenge.
Check out the lets grow mushroom videos by rogger rabbit, i think its like 5 maybe 8 bucks now but it gives you the basics, its pretty entertaining to say the least and informative you should give them a look on google i think the website is mushroomvideos.com
If you see those large droplets on the sides of the tub then you will have problems

"fan" the cakes with the lid after a spray and if you have the time another couple of times will be beneficial