1st Grow, Any Tips Appreciated


Active Member
The seed was a lucky mutant that came out of a bud from my local co-op. It came out of the top shelf shake so I know its good, but I don't know what it is exactly. Although from the looks of it I suspect indica.

Anyway, I've got it under three cool white 48'' flourescents in a 2 gal pot. I've got a 150 watt hps waiting in the whims for flowering and some fox farm nutes. To this point I haven't put any nutes in mainly because I just obtained them today. Its about 6 inches tall and 30 days from germ.

My Questions are:
How does it look to this point?
How long until I should start flowering?
When do I start adding the nutes?


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
depends what soiuld you are using (some contains nutes for upto 2 months etc) but i'd have already started giving it nutes, most certainly.

flower whenever you please. longer you veg, the more bud you'll get, as sinmple as that, and also bear in mind that this doesn't mean if you veg it to 5 fett you'll get pounds, you still need to keep it to a size that allows it to effectively use the 150w hps, else it'll just be fluffy airy buds

looks just great.

my main tip is reading reading reading reading take a break and research on youtube and then more and more and more reading. i've been growing for a while now, and i am reading about tip[s and tricks and whatnot for my growing style every single day, just so i know exactly what i'm doing, more or less, or at least have a grasp of the principals


Active Member
Thanks for the input, it is greatly appreciated.

I was also wondering if the pot was big enough to finish the job?

Also if and when to trim the top?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
typically any pot is big enough, just a smaller pot means smaller roots and more frequent watering. some people have had killer plants from little beer cups. i#d personally get a nice big pot that allows me to leave it 3 days or so between watering.

as to trimming the top, i guess you mean topping or FIMing to get more main stems. this is totally optional, be aware that if you do top, you then need to give it a good bit of veg afterwards for it to re-grow with it's new tops.