1st Grow: Bag seed, soil, 175W/400W HID


grow journal for my first grow. just growing with bag seed at this point (some cheap mid).

Soil: Mix of...
12qt FF Ocean Forest
12qt Happy Frog Potting Soil
1lb organic worm castings
6qts MG perlite
Mixed in 15gal container with about 2 gallons of distilled water then left it to sit indoors (stirring every so often) with the lid off for 2 weeks.

400w HPS/MH
175w MH (10k)
46watts of CFL

I germinated the seeds in two groups (8 seeds each); group 1 went into container with tap water (water here isn't great) and group 2 went into container with same amount of distilled water. Put in a dark, warm place and checked them 12hrs later: Tap water seeds- 1 popped, Distilled water seeds- 2 popped. Took them out and put in moist paper towel. 24hrs later: Tap water seeds- 2 popped (+1 from before, 3 total), Distilled water seeds- 3 popped (+2 from before, 5 total). Again they went into paper towel; waited until the root was out just a hair then planted them all in soil. At this point I can conclude distilled water might have an advantage over my local water.

For the 24hrs they were stored in a dark and warm place with plastic wrap over them. Next day they went under lights. 18/6 schedule- 8 hours w/ 46watts CFL (6500k), 4 hours w/ 175w MH (10k), 6 hours w/ 46watts CFL (6500k).
My plan is to increase MH exposure gradually for another week then I will use the same method to phase in the 400w MH for veg. Adjusting everything as I take stock of the plants of course.

I've got 2 plants peeking out of the soil and one with its first set of leaves at this point.

I was a little surprised that they sprouted so quickly, past experiments with inexpensive soil and coco coir took about 24-36 hours longer to see similar growth...

Pictures forthcoming.