1st grow, bagseed/Iced G./Rocklock/Easyryder CFL(maybe CMH too)


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Well, my first grow....no pics at the moment unless I can find an old camera
around here somewhere, the wife has the good camera and is out of town..
After my first post here (https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/341567-real-newb-pot-plant.html)I knew I could find another seed, so I moved furniture and crawled around on my hands and knees and finally found one
Paper towel germed it and planted it in a one gallon pot, got a sterilite tub(18 gallon) an old light fixture and 2 42 watt 6500K cfls and cut an intake hole in one corner and put a pc fan on the top
at the opposite corner and waited..., 18/6 light sched, wireless thermo that I had lying around...started to look pretty good, that was 21 days ago, I'll try to post pics later...maybe 5-6 inches tall so far, a leaf curling problem though.
Color looks good, no burning, but leaves curling down(the whole leaf, not just the tip) plus some cupping(canoeing? where the edges of the leaf go up)
I think its a ph prob, but I havent nailed it down, I tried to ph the runoff last night and got 7.5
which surprised me, I thought it would be low(soil is 1/3 peat, 1/3 compost, 1/3 vermiculite - old square foot gardening blend(like last years), no lime added)... watered it with 6.8 ph bottled water the last couple of times since I tested our tap water and its right around 9!
Anyway, for the last month I've been reading this site obsessively and finally bought some real seeds from Attitude(8 days to the midwest, pretty good! cool tshirt) I purchased:
1 Iced Grapefruit feminized
1 CH9 Jack feminized
1 Female Seeds.nl
3 Lowryder Easyryder feminized
freebies were DNA Rocklock and RP Coletrain
after building a cabinet this weekend(poor old bagssed was too close to the lights(curling could have been heat stress, IDK) I started germing the iced g. and the rocklock
Iced G. germed 1 day later(in water till sunk, then towel) and got planted in a party cup with FFOF and I swear it was as watered as can be but it was dryish this morning so we'll see (had a dome on it too, 80ish dark room).
Rocklock still paper toweled but from others reports looks like it take 2 days or 3....
well thats enough for now I guess, till I get some pics and get my cooling issues(posted here:https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/352099-cooling-problem-2x2x4-cabinet-4-a.html) with the cabinet figured out..
Easyryders have to wait till my love gets home this weekend plus I thought I'd practice on the iced and rocklock first. Thanks to all for the amazing amount of info on here. The CMH (I have 2-150 watt ballasts and 3 cmh bulbs) will prob be for the easyryders(another cabinet), maybe... possibly ... unless I stick them in my big cabinet first, we'll see


Active Member
Baguette(iced grapefruit) popped a day later and put in my "vegging" chamber, looking good so far, can see the tiniest little true leaves now!

Rocklock still in towels, but I think last night I may have seen the beginnings of the taproot, the other rocklocks Ive read about also seem to take realtively long to get going also(4 days now)

Cindy, the lone bagseed, got transplanted to a 2 gal(from a 3 quart) filled with FFOF with 25% perlite added and some dolomite lime. Finally decided it was probably a ph problem after reading bazillions of posts and pictures and figured it couldnt hurt to put her in better soil with a known ph, we'll see, does look better after 12 hours though.

Still having cooling issues with the bigger cabinet, need to get better exhaust fans I'm thinking, for now Cindy is in there, about twice as far as I'd like from the lights(4-6 inches) but for the next day or two I figure it'll stress her out less with the transplant anyway.


Active Member
Rocklock is definitley cracking, big line of white down the side, its a much bigger seed than the Iced Grapefruit was. Also Cindy, my transplantee is way better looking than it was , much straighter leaves now. I can even see a noticeable difference in the true leaves of the IG sproutling, these things really do grow like weeds :)
AND.. I'm 99% sure none of them are trees :)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like some nice strains..was going to ask about the lowrider but see it will grow in a different area ...happy growing


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Germed 2 easy ryder this weekend, in water sunday for about 5-6 hours, they sank, then to the paper towels,
24 hours in the towels they had 1/4-1/2 inch taproots...into the party cup with a 75/25 FFOF/Perlite mix, haven't popped yet though.
and its been a whole 24 hours !!
Can you tell I'm anxious?

I think Cindy(bagseed) is starting to smell, definitely got a whiff of something this morning when taking a pic, faint, but there.
Just hope she's a girl, although that top node has some suspicious things coming out of it, of course, having only seen
this one plant in my whole life, its too early for me to get worried, but who knows.

Iced G, is doing well wworking on her second set of true leaves, this pic is from 7/31 when she was 1 week old(and I mean she was a dry seed a week before that)

Cindy took well to her transplaniting, watered her yesterday morning and tried to do a giant circle of water
outside the bounds of her original pot to coax her roots out further from the original soil.
Rocklock is most definitely dead, sigh... so I decided to try my usual non-mj planiting method, dropped my other freebie(ColeTrain)
into the pre-moistened party cup about a fingernail deep, covered her up and misted till wet, we'll see.
I've been gardening for years and figured what the heck, its' just a seed :)

grow 001_smaller.jpgcindy_2.jpg Cindy - 7/31 on the left, 8/3 on the right

baguette.jpgBaguette(Iced G.) - 7/31

cindy_close.jpg 8/3 - Cindy close up with suspicious preflower parts ?


Active Member
BTW Cindy is 27 days(from sprouting) so I decided to put her into flower 12/12 from 18/6. Not very tall but I'm fairly sure she's whatever the kids are calling the lowest grade of weed there is. But she looks Indica dominant(?) so I figure it can't hurt, plus my heights are fairly limited so Im guessing she might top out at 15-18" which would be about right, not worried about yield obviously on that one anyway :)


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Most of this is just so I can keep track of dates and such...

Bagseed: 27 days old, paper towel germed, started flowering cycle today, switched 12/12 from 18/6
Iced Grapefruit: 7 days old, sunk in water after 5-6 hours(7/25) , paper towels for 24 hours till 1/2" taproot, then in soil, came thru ground 7/28, 2 sets of true leaves

Easy Ryders(2) sunk in water after 5-6 hours(8/1) paper towels for 24 hours till 1/2" taproot,then in soil, not thru soil yet
ColeTrain: planted direct in soil 8/3


Well-Known Member
Hi Bob
Good luck on your first grow. The bagseed plant looks healthy and bushy for its size.


Active Member
thanks! yeah a little short I think but I think the leaf curling I had prob stunted it somewhat, just hoping its a girl :)


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The 2 Easy Ryders both popped yesterday (8/4),yay me! Just waiting on the direct to soil ColeTrain for a full house. With any luck, a few more days and we'll find out whether Cindy(bagseed) is a girl or just a dumb old boy :)


Active Member
ColeTrain(direct to soil) popped today! So I'm 5 out of 6 so far on that front, only dud was the Rocklock.

Iced Grapefruit is starting her 3rd set of true leaves.

Had a small issue with the Easy Ryders the last couple of days.both the cotyledons and the tiny first leaves were horribly curling under just like Cindy had been last week ... tested my mister water and sure enough I had forgotten to replace the 9.3 ph tap water with some more balanced ph, so I figured
what the heck, used some 7.0 and added a little molasses and a dash of Liquid Karma and they look so much better today.

Cindy is really bushing out and man is she stinky you can smell her from the hallway now, not good !and theres no way the pc fans will pull enough air thru a filter so I ordered a Soler and Palau td-100 inline fan and I'll think about how to diy a carbon filter I may hook both cabinets up to the new fan, its certainly powerful enough for both. With any luck I'll have time for pictures later. Also contemplating hooking up one of my 150 watt cmh bulbs in the big cabinet with Cindy but that won't be till at least I get the new fan and maybe not till I move the Iced G, in there .


Active Member
ColeTrain only has one cotyledon, sad looking :( . Watered Cindy today with distilled water with a tablespoon of molasses and 1.5 tsp Tiger Bloom (in one gallon h2o). I think she was a tad too dry, but as I tend to want to overwater I held back till I was really sure she needed it. Easyryders looking good now. Iced G. is really starting to take off, I'm thinking transplant next weekend for her to her final home, a 3 gallon pot with holes cut in and landscape fabric lined to try a little DIY air pruning.


Active Member
New Pictures, taken today 8/8
first the big one Cindy at day 6 of flower, day 31 overall(roughly)

Iced Grapefruit Day 11
IcedGrapefruit_Day11.jpgIcedGrapefruit_Day11 (2).jpg

EasyRyders Day 5

ColeTrain Day 2


Active Member
what a difference a day makes, not always good either... Cindy grew like an inch at least last night had to raise the lights, looked at the Iced G last night and all of a sudden all the leaves were pointing down, and the cup felt dry so I watered it with plain water, woke up this morning and still the same, if I didnt know that it has plenty of water I'd say it was parched, finger test says it has plenty, ... temps dropped last night though(mid 60s) if you look at the side on shot above the bottom leaves are actually down over/past the edge of the cup... overwatering?(leaves do not feel wilty) time to transplant? pics after the sun comes up.


Active Member
Well... I decided to see how the rootbal looked on the IcedG that was looking bad, a little moister than I like for checking that but, I figured what the heck, popped out pretty easily, soil was semi-moist definitly not too soggy and not dry either, in fact it seemd just about right to me, neither under nor over watered.

Roots were just hitting the side of the cup and a couple longish ones were coming out the bottom so as long as I had it out I figured I might as well transplant it before it circled the pot, which jives with the conventional advice to transplant from the party cups at about 2 weeks(today = day 13, 3 nodes, maybe 4) and while convention also says that for every month it is expected to grow add one gallon so should be in a 3 gallon, I decided to go with a 2 gallon laundry basket lined with 1 layer of landscape faric. I checked the size lof the basket ast night with my 3 gallon pots and if I decide to transplant it into a 3 gallon later it should fit right in.

Watered with bottled water(at worst a shade over 7.0, way better than my tap which can go as high as 9) and weighed her BEFORE I watered her so I'd have some idea of when she dries out, weight with pot and dry soil(FFOF) = 4.5 lbs, my "judgement" of weight by lifting is suspect so I figured I'd just make it easier on myself.

TD-100 fan will be here today and I test wired up my 150 ballast and cmh lightbulb, but my wife asked that I not test fire it last night since it was close to bedtime and , well , she gets kind of nervous when I start working with electricity :) . I'll test fire it tonight and assuming it works (haven't touched the bulb or ballast for like 3 years) I'll probably wire it into one of my two cabinets tomnight or tomorrow. The one drawback to this cmh bulb (12,700 initial lumens, 95% CRI) is that the glass blocks the UV, which ni my last project was a good thing, not so much in growing though. It does have the typical cmh spectrum though, as close to the sun as you can get.


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PH calibration fluid will be here today too, love having an amazon fulfillment center 100 miles away, speed!


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Wired my 150 watt mh and hooked up the bulb and testfired it, takes a few minutes to warm up
beautiful bright white light, I can hold my hand easily within 4-5 inches from the bulb, made a ghetto reflector from an old coffee can added some length to the wire so I can hang it later today.

wired up the new fan and tested it,quiet except for the air coming out, should be fine with a diy carbon filter, Cindy is really getting stinky. At first I thought she was indica dominant, but the newer growth , the leaves seem to be thinner than the first few sets of leaves.

Iced G. is looking much better, she gets the cmh bulb along with the seedlings till I put her in the flowering cab with cindy, maybe 2 more weeks in the veg cab. then the EasyRyders get it with the coletrain. I may throw a 150 watt hps into the flowering cab this weekend also, currently theres 4-42 watt 2700K and 2-23 watt 6500k in there


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Watered cindy today with plain water, will use full strength tiger bloom and molasses next time,no harm from 1/2 strength... still no sign of sex, held off on watering the others, give them one more day
Need a better fan in the veg box for the 150,old lights back in.
New fan working good in flower cab, filter is working somewhat ,need to diy a better one this weekend


Active Member
Watered IcedG today till runoff with 1 tbsp molasses, 3/4 tsp progrow(botanicare I think) which is 1/2 strength for seedlings(per gal)

Found a 150 watt hps bulb on sale to supp in my flowering cab, need to find a socket for it.
Added another fan to my vegging/seedling cab, will retry my cmh bulb in it this weekend.
Easyryders seem slow, probably overwatering, I'm a doof sometimes, though I did stop myself from watering them yesterday, wasn't easy though :)