1st Grow-Barney's Farm LSD - Soil - 200W Diamond Series LED + 75W Magnetic Induction


Active Member
hi Everyone,

this is my first grow ever. spent countless hours reading posts and journal here on RIU, and decided to start my own grow log, hoping some more experienced growers will subscribe and perhaps help me avoid some newbie mistakes :)

my setup, as the title suggests:

DR80 Secret Jardin grow tent (80cmX80cmX160cm)
1 X 200W 11-band Diamond Series grow LED
1 X 75W Self-Ballasted Magnetic Induction light @ 6500K
5 X Barney's Farm LSD started from seed 8 Days ago in Jiffy pellets
food: all BioBizz: RootJuice, BioHeaven, BioGrow, Alga-Mic and BioBloom

transplanted all seedlings to 1L Air-Pots (excuse my metric system :) )
here are some pictures taken earlier today.

any thoughts or suggestions will be appreciated ;-)



Active Member
Hi Again,

just a quick update.

It's been 10 days since the first seeds sprouted, under a 24/7 lights cycle, and things seem to be going pretty well, for most of the seedlings at least.

i've numbered them according to the order of germination. #1-#3 seem to be very happy and healthy.
#4 is a bit smaller, but healthy looking. it also sprouted 2 days after 1&2, so maybe it will catch up.
but #5, last to germinate, looks much weaker and smaller than the rest of them :-( the stem is kinda purple-ish, the leaves are much smaller and in general, developing much slower.
they've been under the exact same conditions, so i guess its a genetic thing. im posting some pictures of them taken just now.

i read somewhere that weaker plant should be discarded, but it might be too soon to make that call. it might surprise everyone after all and overtake the others.

also, i need a little piece of advice. should i start using BioGrow now, or is it too soon? they seem to be growing quite fast even without it (i currently only feed them with BioHeaven and Root Juice).

thanks in advance for any suggestions :)



Active Member
Hi Again,

its Day 7 since i transplanted the jiffy pellets into the Air-Pots, and they seem to be loving it.
i started adding BioGrow to the feed 2 days ago, and i dont know if im just imagining things, but they started growing at a crazy rate.
some of them grew 4 new leaves in just under 24 hours. you can see the difference from the pics i took just 2 days ago.

#5 still looks like shit, compared to the others, and #4 just looks, well... different. it's also the only one who didnt have a purple stem as a seedling. could it be a different strain? maybe Barney's Farm fucked up.

anyway, i've been reading some mixed opinions about when to start LSTing. my plants are getting light 24/7, and are growing to be short an bushy, so im not sure if theres a point in waiting till they get to a certain height. but i dont wanna damage them either.

has anyone ever started LSTing this early? or is it better to wait a bit longer?
can anyone please advise?

thanks :?:


Active Member
Hi Again :leaf:

just another progress updated.

its day 9 of veg and things are going quite well for everyone. i tried topping plant #4 last night, it looks different than the rest anyways, so I decided to experiment with it.
another thing i noticed is that there's a very noticeable smell of... fresh grass when i enter the room where the tent is located. the guy at Barney's Farm told me that this strain is a smelly one, but i didnt think it would start smelling this early in veg. guess i'd have to get a carbon filter sooner than i thought.

has anyone ever tried C.A.P OZN-1 Ozone Generator for eliminating odors? does it even work?

other than that, i've heard really good things about these AirPots that i use, but they tend to dry up REALLY quick and now i have to feed them every 24 hours, the soil just dries out completely. still adding Root Juice, BioHeaven and BioGrow to each feed.
here are some recent pics taken a couple of hours ago.

any comments or suggestions are more than welcome

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Active Member
nice healthy plants mr juice i will be keeping an eye on this one. whats the use of the jiffy pellerts? my airpots don't dry out as fast as yours do... although i do have the 10L ones..


Active Member
hi again,
thanks for joining guys.

it's day 11 of veg, and all is well... almost.

#4 still looks really dry for some reason. someone suggested it might be a bit more sensitive to heat than the others, so i tried to raise the light just a little bit to see it has any effect. my lights are exactly 30cm (12") from the top of my plants.

i also topped #4 a couple of days ago, and i can already see 2 new growths around the cut.
photo 1.jpg
being happy with the result, i tried FIMming #2 yesterday (dropped LST for now cause i will need to transplant them soon. so im just experimenting now to see what works best before my next, more serious grow), but i think i didnt cut enough, attaching some pics, would love to hear some opinions.
photo 11.jpg

other than that, everybody's feeling well, they're starting to fill nicely while remaining very short an bushy and the stem is getting quite thick.
i didnt realize that a few drops of the feed could burn the leaves so i managed to get some nute burns on the lower leaves.
photo 111.jpg
dont know if i should leave them on or trim them. so until i hear otherwise, im leaving them on.

let me know what you guys think :)


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Active Member
Hi Everyone,

my #4 still looks like shit, and getting worse every day :/
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this morning i noticed lots of roots coming out of the bottom of the airpots, after less than 2 weeks. i dont have any prior experience, but that seems pretty fast fast. so i went and purchased 5 x 10L Airpots and started transplanting.
since i didnt have enough soil (apparently, the 10L AirPots hold wayyyy more than 10L of soil), i could only transplant 3 of the 5, so i started with the ones that were showing signs of stress, including the ugly duckling, #4.
i disassembled the airpots (which was REALLY easy, btw), and was shocked by how massive and solid the rootball is, damn.
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so now im thinking maybe this was #4's problem all along. and if its not too late, maybe she can still make it. would love to get some insights.
i also transplanted #1, the lower leaves started yellowing and drying, so i figured it was time. and #3 which is not as green as it used to be.
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after transplanting, i watered them with a weak solution: RootJuice 2ml/l, BioHeaven 1ml/l and Alg-A-Mic 1ml/l (as the guy in the grow store suggested. hope im not taking advice from the wrong people)

#2 still looks great, and #5 is developing much slower. i will get some more soil tomorrow and do the rest.

also attaching pics of my setup, which i haven't done so far.

thanks again for joining! :)
let me know what you think.

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Active Member


Active Member
Plants look good, you sold me on airpots. I always wondered if you grew in the same pot the whole time or how they were transplanted. Do you have any intake of fresh air, not just the 6in clip fan?


Active Member
Thanks manny.

I am struggling a little bit with heat issues :/ how close to you keep your led panel to the top of the plants?
my light is about 60cm above the top of the pots right now, since it only just fits in the space when it is lower the heat is pushed out and alot went downwards so it got really hot plants complained.... that bulb you have may be producing alot of heat, is it hot? maybe you might try removing it for a while to see if anything improves?


Active Member
Plants look good, you sold me on airpots. I always wondered if you grew in the same pot the whole time or how they were transplanted. Do you have any intake of fresh air, not just the 6in clip fan?
Thanks TokenPuff.
I started with 1l AirPots, which were exploding with roots after less than 2 weeks, so I switched to 10L ones. Before flowering I will transplant one last time. I already have 20L SmartPots, but I thing I might just get bigger AirPots instead. They kick ass.

And to answer your question, I also have a 4" inline fan for fresh air intake, but it's quite hot where I live, so heat is going to be an issue most of the time :/


Active Member
my light is about 60cm above the top of the pots right now, since it only just fits in the space when it is lower the heat is pushed out and alot went downwards so it got really hot plants complained.... that bulb you have may be producing alot of heat, is it hot? maybe you might try removing it for a while to see if anything improves?
Hi Manny.

Im using an electrodeless magnetic Induction light. The heat it produces is minimal. I keep my lights on 24/7 and you can touch the lamp at any point and it's completely bearable.
i think the LEDs are producing more heat. I raised the panel a little bit. ~50cm from the tops, temps dropped a bit. Also added a cool mist humidifier a few days ago. I found that if you pack it with lots of ice and ice water, it brings temps Down even further for a few hours. Has to be done 2-3 times a day though. So now I'm at about 27c and 65%Rh. Which is as cool as it gets here...

My plants are already starting to smell, had to add a carbon filter yesterday.
If I add another fan, the air intake will be faster than the exhaust, creating positive pressure, and pushing air out of every hole of the tent, and the filter would be useless.

Fortunately, WINTER IS COMING...


Active Member
hi all,

it's been 4 days since the transplant, and things are looking MUCH better :)
the green in back, and i can see lots of new growth, and they're getting even bushier. even notorious #4 is looking better than it did, not like the rest, but still better.

started LSTing today. #2 & #5 were chosen to be the first. i followed Rollbluntz's guide to LST. which was pretty simple, only i used Pipe Cleaners instead of coat hangers. posting some pics. would love to get some comments on this one. ill wait a couple of days to make sure i didnt fuck up or anything before i start training the rest.
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these 10L AirPots can hold the water for much longer so i dont have to feed so often anymore. it's been 4 days, and the soil is still far from being dry. so this is becoming much more enjoyable :)
i have to try hard and keep myself from checking on them every 20 minutes.

here are the latest pics, taken just now.
lemmie know what you guys think.


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Active Member
hi again,

week 3 of veg is coming to an end, and everything is looking great.
im LSTing 4 out of the 5 plants using pipe cleaners (2 of which were also fimmed before starting the LST, #1 and #2), and topping/fimming 1 plant (#4. which is feeling much better b.t.w). attaching some more pics. #4 is the one on the top left.
it's unbelievable how fast the started growing. every time i check on them, i see a difference from the last time i checked. LOTS of new growth and they're getting fatter quite fast. already added another pipe cleaner to each yesterday, before feeding them, as they started pointing towards the lights again.

ill keep the bondage going for a few more weeks.
then i will untie them, transplant to 20L SmartPots/AirPots and place a net above their heads. hope im not attempting anything too complicated for a first grow, but things are going relatively smooth so far, so i cant see a reason why not.

here are some pics, taken this morning.
comments and suggestions are welcome as always

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