1st grow, Blue Rhino under 180w LED

Well I thought I would post up in here, seems no one wanted to comment on my other thread in the Journal section (https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/417398-first-grow-blue-rhino-grown.html)

I just took her down 2 days ago and is now drying :) I am super excited and think I did pretty good for my first time. I'm hoping for an ounce but will be happy with whatever I get. I posted lots of pics in the other thread, I won't repost those but here's some newer pics. Any comments or questions more than welcome. BTW, I am now a believer in LED, compared to my friends grows I have just as much if not more crystals using same nutes...don't think I will have as much weight but quality over quantity for me since it's all mine! lol

Couple questions I have, did I pull it too early? It was almost 9 weeks of flower and looked like at least half of the trichs were cloudy (not a big fan of knock you on your ass for hours kind of high).
And should I keep the co2 bags above the buds while they dry or is the benefits of co2 now done with?



Well-Known Member
I love the colors of the plants under LED... nice grow.... looking forward to a smoke report. :)
Thanks! I look forward to the smoke report as well! My buddy I got the clone off of didn't save me any of his so this will be my first taste. Smells very fruity and bites your nose hairs lol


Active Member
Where did u buy your led light what brand is it and is it really 180 watt light?? I have a led light that uses 132w give or take and it is supposed to give off similar if not equal output as a 400w
I got it off Craigslist for $200 lol It was still new in box, some dude's roommate owned a grow shop and gave it to him in exhange for letting him use his storage unit for a couple months. Lucky for me because I was about to drop $600 for it! It's the Illuminator Jumbo UFO 180w light (says 200w max on sticker). There's a thread on here somewhere that has some guy that did a comparison for the company and they sent him 2 180w lights to compare to a 400w light... I used it for veg and flower, I had the light about 14 inches away from top of plant in veg and around 10 for flower.



Well-Known Member
hey buddy I am very pleased by your harvest w/ LED that looks dank and compact. I was once a MH and HP Sodium grower but I'm trying to cut back on heat in the grow space. Here, check out my white rhino it's under some 3 watt LEDS in her 3rd week veg stage
