1st grow getting started money issues

This Is my first try at growing with a setup. using the cheapest way i know, CFLs. from what i have read they work fairly effectivly and they are cheap. I have planned to start this plant now and not earlier, one is the smoke is getting crappy, two i want to see if i can do it. Don't really know any outcome or dont care. Have started some lil ones but they are not gettin enough " JUST SUN". I plan on using 4-20w and 2-26w. I am kinda caught in a fight with myself on how much light i should use. I just going to see what these bagseeds give me succeed or fail. Just want to see if i can do it.


Active Member
You should be able to :)
I started with 6 lights, and moved up from there buying lights when I could.
I have about 30 plants at the moment, but if you only have a few then you should be fine.
Check out my grow if you'd like to see.

Also, look around the forums for ideas on DIY things that will save you a bunch of money and are usually really effective.
Good luck, and welcome to RIU.


Active Member
I got a book at borders from c more buds it cost 10 bucks its call 1lb under 100 bucks. it takes you step by step day by day. idiot reading but fit me perfect and he used 6 cfs from the hardware store. you can go to borders and read it right there and walk away knowing all you need to do


Active Member
Welcome to growing get ready to throw alot of money at it. You will get the bug and keep getting more gear.


Well-Known Member
Yea, of course you can do it. Patience is a must, and you have a lot of other issues to consider aside from lighting. Ventilation, sealing, filtering, temp, steathiness, watering/feeding schedules, drying curing. It's good to have these things worked out ahead of time. I kind of did the same thing my first time though. From the time my first grow started until I cut it, I probably read 40 books on growing. It's possible to do very well your first time, but it takes some attention. My first grow yielded 565 grams from 19 S.A.G.E plants. I was in a little bit over my head for a first time. Don't be like me, haha
i got it going today. instead of the above used lights i have, 4-23w and 4-26w. I am using 3-23w and 1-26w. My space is about 3x3x4.
cont'd from above. I have a seedling that i had started before I put up the lights and going to see how it does. If it dosen't go well i have more bagseeds. I just have to wait and see. Going to keep the light on a 24/0 cycle until I see some progress, then move to a 20/4, 18/6, or 16/8. Let me know if I should go a diff. direction.

Illegal Smile

Use all the light you can. And, when you say you don't care whether you succeed or fail, and then say you want to see if you can do it - those two are in conflict. If you don't care about success I can tell you now you will fail and save you the trouble.
thanks for the insite SMILE. I cant wait for the delivery, anyway. I went ahead and started a new bagseed, this is bagseed #1, officially. got the ole fingers crossed :)
Im getting some lowryder2x Ak47. I was wondering if ill enough light with what i have. all i see everybody with is 42w and 26w. well i couldnt find a 42w bulb so i had to go down in watts for the closest light. the next up are either a flood type at 42w or very large 68w, both are CFL. If anyone can help out, would be great.


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with the 26w bulbs at all, if you divide the lumen output(on bulb box/specs) by the watts, you'll see that the 26w have just as good a lumens/watt as the 42w
actually, the larger bulbs tend to have a bit lower lumens/watt - some growers seem to like the larger bulbs as it simplifies the hassle of positioning of a dozen bulbs