
i am using advance nutra sensei grow A / B with cal mag grow , barely put any in the smaller once, growin in an wero garden base, using led to veg, dont have a ph meter, but sensei are ph smart, and tds is 120 including 60 ppm is from my RO water, i am growing in a closet, any ideas, am thankful, i dont want my crop to die, is it heat ? temp ranges between 65 to 80 and humidity is like 50 - 60. i have the blackstar LED for veg HO, it like .5 meters from tip of plant, i also have one plant with stunted growth, all the roots are good, let me know if you need pics, i am growing in my closet, i used to shut the door, could it be mold, i was running a humidifier earlier but stopped , running with door shut

my older pics from 2 days are located here

A couple of People told me P & K deficient so i added much more sensei B than A cause A only has N

Since then i have upped the AN sensie grow A / B and CAL/ MAG grow to 984PPM in the largest plant, 700 in the smaller ones and 684 in the seedling, i am also running ozone in the water for the seedlings, but things seem to be progressing downhill, the bottom leaves have started curling and i think it is dying but it has had new growth , it has been stunted for like 3 weeks. Its been 2 days, SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME SOIL IS EASIER WITH NUTRITION RELATED MATTERS< i am going to go an get some fox farm and plant some seeds., my humiditiy is not high like 75 - 85RH, i use RO water, i dont know what to do, i think the tops of the new leaves on the larger plants have nute burn, i wish i could take some kind of class for this, i dont know $H!T.
Here are the new Pics, P Lease help. THe roots are pretty dense by the way and the container are the 3 liter
CIMG1455.jpgCIMG1442.jpgCIMG1444.jpgCIMG1451.jpgCIMG1443.jpgCIMG1441.jpgCIMG1446.jpgCIMG1450.jpgCIMG1454.jpgCIMG1440.jpgCIMG1445.jpgCIMG1453.jpgCIMG1447.jpgCIMG1452.jpgCIMG1448.jpgCIMG1449.jpg aero garden 6 models for two of the plant containers. I am running a hughe 240gph airpump for the 3 containers. I still have to get a ph tester but AdvancedNutrients says their sensie balances the Ph, but i dont know if there is nutrient lockup in my water.

If someone needs more pics, more closeups, just post and i will take them and add them


Well-Known Member
can you post a pic of your whole set-up? looks like a lock up to me. you should really try to get a ph tester.


Well-Known Member
You dont need a class, just do more research on this site.

Keys to growing marijuana, fresh clean water, proper ratio of nutrients, proper pH, proper lighting, proper medium for growin, and juts make sure they are happy. Its not too hard, always add less nutrients because you can always add more.


Well-Known Member
IMO soil isnt easier, I had problems with Ph in soil i prefer hydro. You need to go buy a Ph meter, that is the most important thing.


Ok, i flushed everything with the GH flora clean, used RO water, also put new water for both Aerogarden base setup which i am using as a DWC with 2 2 inch airstones each, running a lot of air my bigger plant has a TDS of 418 using sensei grow A / B and Cal /mag and the smaller one has about 300 TDS, i also flushed that, i dotn know what to do about the seedlings, will think aobut it, will post pics of roots and more pics of setup. The seedlings are a copy of the stealth hydroponics bubbleponics system, just need to run more air though. I am working on getting a more powerful pump, i currently have a 240 GBH 4 outlet and a 1.5Lpm 2 outlet running .\The aerogardens have a 3ltr capacity each and the big tub is 12 liters. WIll take pics of that


ok, i am transferring the seedlings to jiffy pot to start transplant in soil hopefully ther survive, but it think that it was the ozone that i was running in the water that might have reacted with all the nutes and oxidized the hell out of everything that is killing my seedlings and my large plants ( possibly a hypothesis) , but i never put it in my smaller plants, which have the same problem, so i cannot be too sure, either way a flush has been performed and now i pray that they can recover, i am going to run soil and hydro side by side see whats more easier for me.


Well-Known Member
definatly nute burn dude. way to high of a ppm for seedlings. you killed them. they look completly fried. aparently you have too high of a ppm for all of your plants. start with clean water for seedlings 10 days. start small 200-300 ppm. 5.8 ph. wheres your ph at? ph is very important with hydro.