1st grow....kinda slow?

hi everyone my plant is a month old and it just doesnt seem to be as big as i thought it would be around this time...im growing it in a pc tower with a 14 inch house fan right outside the box. the lights are no more then 2 inches aaway..heres my pic..plant 1 month.jpg


Well-Known Member
WOW! That is slow! What strain and soil are you using? Maybe its just a runt. It only looks 2 weeks old from seed.


Well-Known Member
Over-watering will cause droopy leaves and many people water on a regular basis regardless of the soil being dry or not. I doubt thats the problem. As long as your lights are close like you say, I doubt its the lights either. I have had tiny plants before and its all genetic. I had different strains going in the same mix and some were just huge with one or two be super tiny like yours. I just think its a runt, but runts can produce some really good smoke.
i have two 26 watt bulbs..each 1750 lumens and for soil i mixed some hyponex potting soil and jiffy seed starting mix...i bought a cheap ph kit and it says my ph is around 6.2


Well-Known Member
I think Spitsbuds wanted to know if your CFL's are 6500k or 2700k or maybe something else.

Yep over water...after a month in that little container... it has to be root bound.
Transplant and she should start to grow.
Guaranteed its your lights bro. My first grow I had two purple clones in my closet under cfls for a month and they still looked about the same size as when I got them. Once I finally broke down and spent the money on a HID lamp, the growth was explosive! I know CFL's are cheap to operate but you are also extremely limited in the amount of bud you can produce with such a weak light source and are probably spending a lot of time getting almost no bud. The good news is that even though you have not seen a lot of foliar growth, your root system is probably pretty well developed so if you give it more light it will already be equipped to take the full nutrient dose it will require when the new light kicks it into overdrive!


Well-Known Member
LOL Root bound!? I grow much larger plants in 16 oz cups without root bound and less wattage. I guarantee is a runt, but put in more lights and put it in a bigger and see if that helps. Ive had runts in DWC hydro that grew like that after several weeks while the others were 10 times as big, but I dont know what Im talking about, Ive never grown weed before.