1st Grow Log - GDP, Afrweck, Others


Active Member
Well I have been wanting to do a grow log on my Medical grow for some time now and with Summertime and the growing season fast approaching, I figured now was as good a time as any. Well with that, lets get into it!!

The Plan: Over the last few years of growing both indoor and out and being a part of many other peoples' crops, I have grown quite an interest in greenhouses and light deprivation techniques. I've been wanting to built a light deprivation greenhouse in order to take full advantage of this beautiful Northern California summer by pulling two harvests a year. So this season I decided to go for it!

The Greenhouse: (Pictures Below) The greenhouse is a 14 foot by 8 foot rectangle PVC-framed blackout greenhouse with a roof sloping from 7 feet to about 5 feet and two support beams put a foot into the ground. To form a base for the PVC structure, I used 2"x10" pressure treated boards sunk and cemented about 4-6" in the ground and reinforced with 3/8"x24" rebar. The PVC structure is all 3/4" schedule 40. This frame is really ferakin' rigid. My wife can literally do pullups from the bars closest to the support beams, but it was designed to be able to support a 1000w for supplemental lighting, ballast and all. The whole exterior of the frame will be covered in a layer of 3.5 mil black visqueen. The whole interior will be lined with black/white "Panda" plastic for extra sun protection and interior light reflection. The top will be one layer of 3.5 mil black visqueen and then the whole box gets covered with a 40'x50' roof tarp. For ventialltion i'm using a ~300cfm snail-type exhaust fan with two 18" Oscillating fans inside. One section of one of the plastic walls will be the door, which will open like a flap and be connected to the frame with velcro.

The Plants: I am currently vegging 24 hours under a self-ballasted 150w hps and a few fluoro's here and there to help. I have 4 very healthy Afrweck clones, one kinda sickly Blue Dream cutting struggling to build roots, and one very robust Blackberry Kush seed. The one picture is the Afwrecks about two weeks ago on the day I got them. The other is yesterday, and shows the Af clones doing fucking awesome, as well as the sick BD and the baby Kush. I should be taking delivery on some 18 Grandaddy Purple clones by next week, all should be at least 6" and healthy. Once I get those i'll switch to my 600w hps to veg. As you can see from the pictures, the greenhouse has a trench-style bed dug out on one side and three holes dug on the other side. This bed is 13 feet long, three feet wide and about 18-24" deep. The holes are 2.5 feet in diameter and about 18 inches deep. The bed will be the home for the GDP and the 3 holes will be home to the Afwrecks, the Blue Dream, and the Kush.

The Goals: Hopefully, all 24 clones stay healthy and happy through about three more weeks of veg before they go in the ground. Every day ill open the top around 7am and close it around 7pm. With hard work, diligence, and a little luck (and no light leaks), I expect to pull 3+ pounds out of here for a mid-June harvest. At that time, i'll remove most of the plastic and plant the full-summer crop, which will be vegging indoors the whole time, and hopefully be 3+ feet by then.

Well thats about it for today! I will be updating this log with new pictures every few days to a week, so STAY TUNED! I hope to refer often to RIU and the vast copendium of knowledge contained therein :) Hope you all approve and if anyone has any questions/ideas/comments, feel free to contact me or post here. Wish me the best of luck RIU!

Thanks all and have a great day RIU! PEACE!



Active Member
Well though it was time to do a little update. Its only been a few days but theres been some pretty good growth happenin. The Afwrecks are now 16 days or so old. The one BB Kush plant from seed is growing like a champ. Its now 11 days old and has some big ass leaves heh. The 4 Afwrecks are growing so bushy I can't believe it. There is less than a half inch of stem between nodes. Almost looks like they're flowering cuz the growth is so thick. The light is super close and they love it :) One of them will be the lucky mother of the majority of my outdoor crop this summer. I haven't decided which one yet ill choose by the 1st. Check out some pics.



New Member
Nice work!
I think I have some afwreck too, but here in Portland it is called rainwreck. From what I have found, it looks to be afgooey x trainwreck, correct?
What I do know about it is that I just harvested one and it is superb. Very sticky, dense buds that break up perfectly. I have another one a few weeks behind it. Here are some pics of the plant minutes before chop time.

Good luck, keep us updated!



Active Member
Heres a little update: The plants are all looking pretty bomb and the blackout greenhouse for the light dep is finished. I was gone for about 10 days to Vegas and L.A. and had someone taking care of them when I was gone. They actually grew TOO much and apparently my caretaker didn't know that heat hurts plants so the tops of a few got kinda burned.. Anyway they're better now and I've managed to accumulate quite a few plants of all different varieties over the last month or so and i'm just about ready to go in the ground.

I took delivery on those GDP clones and they're doing great. I've also taken on the task of nursing about 12 sick Blue Dream clones back to health. They're all about 12"-18". Then today I added a Tangerine Diesel and a Chemdog baby to the veg room also. The plan is to put everything in the ground as soon as the GDP babies are sufficiently large. (Maybe another week or so). I took a bunch of clones off the Afwrecks cuz they were getting too big they're in the dome. Notice the 250w light pulling double duty as a heat pad? :) Anyway, heres some pics - the first three are all the plants from various angles. The big ones are Afwrecks and Blackberry Kush, the tiny ones are GDP, Tangerine Kush and Chemdog, and the messy ones are Blue Dream. The last pic is a cool macro of an indoor Trainwreck bud grown from the same mother as my plants. Enjoy! Also, gimme feedback RIU!

