1st grow looking for input


Active Member
Hello this is my first grow. Will include pics. 5 weeks in. Bagseed. I am really just looking for input my plant looks different than most other pics I have seen of plants it looks wider is this good. Also I have already trimmed the bottom set of 3 blade leaves and the 1st set of five blade leaves they were really close to the bottom of the plant they were yellow and dieing is this o.k. Also notice next set of fan leaves are dieing. I am growing with cfls 4 20watt and 1 26 watt for side lighting and 1 46watt and 2 26 watt an inch or 2 from the top. I have a fan in the room. I water every 2 days and feed once a week or less. I was planning on going 12/12 in about a week. My main concerns are the leaves I cut and the ones still yellowing. and does the plant look O.K. in general. And is alright to go 12/12 soon. Any input would be much appriciated. I am learning. I statrted with 3 but my lights fell on two of them overnight. learned to fix lights better right away.



Well-Known Member
I dunno what your limits are but if you let 'em mature you'll have more at the end. They're mature when you can see pre-flowers, and or when you start seeing alternating fans.

They look a bit nitrogen hungry and or light hungry, but other than that you're stellar.
You gonna top them? The goal here is to get them as healthy, fat and happy as possible before you flip 'em. I'd top them (Search FIMM on the search function) and let 'em go another 30 or so. You'll have to watch it tho, 'cuz they WILL have a growth spurt in flower, and that's where super cropping comes into play.