1st grow. My grow tent.

Hey guys here is my setup! I have been doing a ton if research but any help is appreciated. Im running a SJ 150 tent with a lumatek 1000w air cooled ballast. The reflector is a 6" coolstar air cooled hood currently with a solarmax 600w metal halide. The fan is a 6" fan running through the light out of the tent. Im currently running an ecogrower drip system. The temps in my res are 70 degrees. The ambient is 78-80. Top of seedlings is 81-82. Water ph is 5.9 and i just added 1/16th strength of the Gh flora series nutes today. Plants are a week old. I germed them with the paper towel method than transfer them to rockwool once the taproot was a good size. Rockwool was soaked in 6.0 ph water. I left the seedlings for 4 days in a humidity dome. I than transferrd them to
My tent under the 600w MH. The rw goes in netted pots surrounded by hydroton. I started adding the nutes today because some of the thai lights seedlings looked light green. I plan on adding a waterfarm 8 pack to my system. Im currently experimenting with rockwool and rapid rooters for seeds after germination. We will see how it goes. Also im dripping 3 times a day every 6 hours fir 1 minute. What do you guys think!?image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg
Thanks! I think im on the right track. Another update I put 2 germinated seeds into rockwool and 2 germinated seeds in rapid rooters last night. The seeds in the rapid rooters are shooting out already! Both are under 4 4ft T5's in a humidity dome.
Lol!I know! They always upload sideways, no clue how to fix it. Quick question. Does anyone have any experience using GH BioRoot on young seedlings? I added 1/2 of what the bottle recommends for seedlings. I Figured its worth a shot to see if it enhances my root growth. I've also up'ed my nutes to 1/8th strength on the 9 day old plants.


Well-Known Member
Open up the pictures in Windows picture & fax viewer and then rotate them, should save once you close. I would think a very small amount(like a drop) of the BioRoot would be good for clones, but for seedlings I would hold off until you give them their first nute feeding.


Nice setup man, got a question.. does leaving the inline fan/filter on the floor cause any vibration/sound? I was thinking about doing something similar.
I have recently changed the setup, the 6" fan running through the hood is outside and I have a 4" fan on a carbon filter blowing on the plants on the inside. Neither make any vibration sounds. With all the pumps,lights, fans, drips going all you can hear is the blowing from the fans. It overpowers everything.
Another quick question. With the waterfarm 8 pack system, would it be beneficial to put an airstone in the controller or would I have to put one in each individual bucket?
Quick update:

plants seems to be doing well. I was gone for a week and the pH was a tad high 6.3-6.4 in both systems, so I dropped it to 5.5. Nute level in the waterfarm was a bit high - 370ppm dropped it to 300ppm. Also I fimmed the 4 oldest plants today.


image.jpgAnother quick update! Plants are looking good! I'm away for work for two weeks than at home for a week. I gotta have my systems dialed in before I leave ( I leave premixed nutes/ph'ed water for my gf to add as necessary) so far so good!
image.jpg Plants are getting quite large! Switched them to flower about 5 days ago. Still running the 600w MH. Going to switch to 1000hps in about 5 days