1st grow need some help and advice please!

Hi! This is my first grow and first post. I have started two plants from seed, Dutch passion blueberry (indica) and Greenhouse Neville's haze (sativa). I just put them in our hydro system Sat. We are using 600w mh, on a 16/18 schedule. They are feed 4x a day for 15min. The avarage temp has been about 80, hum around 40%. We started them on full strength grow,micro, bloom ph perfect, plus vodoo and B52 (all advanced nutrients). My question is the last couple of days I am noticing the leaves keep looking more and more droopy. The leaves on the top are a nice vibrant green but the lower ones are getting yellow around the edges. I think that may be normal but I don't think the droopy leaves is(esp. noticable with the Neville's). Are the nutrients too much? Maybe feeding too often? Really not sure, any help is really appreciated! Attached pics of my system the best I could. Let me know if you need any other info (I was not positive what you needed to help). Thanks Again!



Well-Known Member
might need to lower your light a lil, they shouldn't be stretching so much. I don't see too much yellowing to be concerned with, cover up that rockwool with the hydroton or you will have an algea problem.


Just looks like the light needs to be a bit closer... shouldnt your light schedule be 18on/6off or am I looking at that wrong? If you can get some mylar it does wonders at reflecting the light to the lower leaves as well. :leaf:
Thanks for the input, will definately try lowering the lights! Any idea on the leaves? Are they droopy or is that just the way the plant is? Thanks so much for any thoughts!