1st grow, outdoor uk, flowering.


New Member
Hi guys n gals.

Been reading this site with great interest recently and thought I would bite the bullet (or kick the paranoia) and sign up.

This year I drunkenly decided to plant some seeds I had in a baggie and see what happened, never thinking they would actualy grow because every outdoor grow I have ever seen has been a disaster!!

To my surprise a few weeks into April I had signs of life and with a little tender loving and care they soon turned into little cannabis leaves!! Then with further months of careful water management (harvesting rain water and letting tap water stand), measuring out food (half what everyone was telling me), topping, re-potting, chasing the sun around the garden - I got my little plants through the veg stage and little buds started to grow!!!! CRIKEY!!!! I have never even seen a plant up close yet here I am with 3 plants, all girls and flowering away!!!

Well that's the story of me and my grow lol now for the questions :) So far I have been able to collate the advice from various sites, mates and use common sense to get me by but now I'm getting told different things by different people so I thought I would come out of the shadows and see what people's thoughts were.

1st question regards light. Currently in the UK I would say we are pretty much on a 12/12 natural light cycle but I recon I may still have 4-5 weeks till harvest. My mate is telling me I am defo going to need lights as the light cycle swings to longer nights, yet, another mate claims it will not matter much as bud grows in the dark so a few hours more darkness toward the end will not hurt. He even goes as far as to say that putting them under a light might kill them, since they are used to a natural environment. Who is right?

2nd question regards leaves. Remove fans or not? I am currently swinging more towards not (unless severely yellowing) since the weather is not exactly sunny so they need their solar panels ever more now. My mate says I'm wrong and recons I need to remove at least 50% to let light in and also to allow more neuts to go towards flowering

3rd question, how worried should I be about mould with lower temperatures and more rain/moisture around. Plus what can I do to reduce risk? I currently just shake the plants off every morning and evening & there is plenty of air flow between them.

4 th and final question, when should I stop feeding neuts? Like I said I recon I'm about 4-5 weeks away from harvest but this is what other people have told me so could be totally wrong!

If there is a safe way of uploading some pictures then please advise and I shall show n tell lol.

Cheers for reading :)

CJ aka bluesbro