1st grow PC growbox - smell


Active Member
okay, so ive been planning quite a while and today i started to build my PC growbox.
basically, im not going to lie here, it has to be stealthy, i dont want many people finding out.
my main issue is the smell. im growing from 12/12 straight with skunk, because its quick and easy (i think), but i need a way to remove the smell. since the plant will be dwarfed, i dont think there will be much anyway BUT it was suggested by a friend to get an ONA block to shove in there. big question is, will this work in removing the odour?
also, any more tips on dwarfing 12/12 from seed would be really really useful.
im rather new to this.
exactly what i want to know!
starting a cfl grow in a pc case in next month and want to do it right

previous failed grow was too hot and chopper caught heat signiture - so scrapped everything

wish to start less conspicuously again