1st grow - Question regarding lighting for seedlings

I ordered some seeds from Attitude last week and they already arrived by monday morning. i soaked them over night and into tuesday and that night I planted 12 seeds into rooting plugs, covered, and placed on a heating pad. By last night, all of the beans had popped (except one freebie) and have grown above the surface of the rooting plugs. I opened the humidity tent and placed them under a 20w flourescent plant light that's housed inside a cabinet I built for 18/6. Is that enough light? I still have them on the heating pad on medium, keeping it a solid 75 +/- degrees. Should I be using a flourescent plant bulb? They seem to only come in 20w max...or, should I purchase a higher wattage regular flourescent bulb?
oh, the light is a 2' T12 plant and aquarium bulb - 750 lumens - 20 watts in a regular standard kitchen cabinet. I have the bulb 12" from the seedlings...


Well-Known Member
get your flos closer to your seedlings, by keeping them that far away your plants will stretch and you really don't want that. You can put your lights within 3-5" of the tops of your babies.


Well-Known Member
o ya and you might wanna invest in a hps system, either 400w or 600w. you wont as get dense nugs with flos
Will do, thanks man. I have a 6X3 room with a 90w ufo set up for these babies future...
The clone I currently have in there now is veeeeeeeeeegin real nice!