1st Grow Room Setup


Well-Known Member
Okay im new to the whole growing process. i have been reading alot of info and gathering info on what i need and what to do
since im tryna grow maybe 3 or 4 trees i was wondering is this a good set up for my air flow..?? im growing in my attic which i have pics of the area if needed (enough space & insulated). my grow tent will be a 4x4 since i wanna grow NL#5 and other strains.

I need you all's input on the intake/exhaust set up and can i put my homemade carbon filter at the end of my flexible duct or what do i do when it hits the flowering stage with the odor

will it be too cool in the tent or should i put my heater as the intake air and have a fan set up for stem growth but also helping keeping the air cool in the lower half of the tent?? help me out here..kinda lost



Well-Known Member
Okay im new to the whole growing process. i have been reading alot of info and gathering info on what i need and what to do
since im tryna grow maybe 3 or 4 trees i was wondering is this a good set up for my air flow..?? im growing in my attic which i have pics of the area if needed (enough space & insulated). my grow tent will be a 4x4 since i wanna grow NL#5 and other strains.

I need you all's input on the intake/exhaust set up and can i put my homemade carbon filter at the end of my flexible duct or what do i do when it hits the flowering stage with the odor

will it be too cool in the tent or should i put my heater as the intake air and have a fan set up for stem growth but also helping keeping the air cool in the lower half of the tent?? help me out here..kinda lost

ide put the filter in ur room and then to the duct going out... i would aslo have a fan suckin the air out and pasivly pulling in fresh air rather the other way around like u have... the fan by ur plants is not nessaciry but very recomnded to build strong stems to support all them big nugs ur gonna grow as well as curculate air around so u dont get mold... i would also put the heaters in the room and put them on a thermostat... they r not intended to run threw ductig there for defeating the purpose and useing more hydro energy($$$)


Well-Known Member
redid my setup

<a href="http://tinypic.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i36.tinypic.com/2hxt8g9.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

ill start making a growlog soon and take pics

do they make fans that suck in air?? my dad has 4 fans laying around the house but their kinda noisy and i dont want him wondering whats going on in his attic. having my fans where they move side to side will that be good or just have them in one position

i was also thinking about having a desktop lamp with another HPS maybe 250 W to help give light in areas that are in shadows..would that help or too much heat?


Active Member
Im not an electrician but i think this works, ask a electrician in any case;

If you cut the plug and reverse the polarity (hook negative to positive terminal and vice versa positive to negative terminal) you can make the fan spin in the opposite direction. Don't cut them unless you know what you are doing.

Alternatively you can turn the blades around so instead of blowing they will suck.