1st Grow - Stealth Rubbermaid - Bubbleponic - CFL


Active Member
Hey RIU! I've been a long time lurker before finally signing up and now after months of planning, reading, planning, more reading I've got two plants healthy and green. But before I get into that I'll give some more info on the op.

My goal with this grow is just to have a small personal stash to smoke in between the normal bud we get around here. (It's nothing to talk up here.. this is actually a source of motivation)

1 - 50 gal rubbermaid box
1 - 5 gal res
1 - 200 g/ph water pump
1 - dual airpump from walmart (cheap $10 thing..)
1 - airstone (will be 2)
4 - 23w 6500k CFL
4 - 23w 2700k CFL
1 - 10in camping fan
1 - GH PH Kit http://www.amazon.com/pH-Control-Kit-General-Hydroponics/dp/B000BNKWZY

Veg: GH MaxiGro 10-5-14
Flower: GH MaxiBloom 5-15-14

Seed: Since this is my first run at this I'm only using seeds from a good bag of bud from a few months ago.

Alright, now that that is over. I actually started the grow a few weeks back so some of the pictures are dated. Started out with 3 germed seeds which turned into good looking sprouts. But then a noob mistake happened because I didn't properly secure my lights. Needless to say it dried out but is still holding on. There is a little bit of green leaf and the roots still look good and in fact have grown. I'll keep it around for SAG.

As of this post I'm going to call it week 3. The water going into the res is ph balanced tap water. Last week I added 1/10 of the amount of nutrients the instructions called for for 5 gal. Yesterday I changed the water and added 1/5 of the amount called for. So far so good. I'm going to be keeping the lights on 24/7 for the next couple weeks and then gradually move to the 12/12 for flowering. I'm thinking baby steps?

I'm sure I missed something but for a first post I feel it should work haha. Here are some pics to check out. ANY feedback would be MUCH appreciated! It's time to smoke and go to bed. :-o :weed: :bigjoint:



Active Member
Week 3 Day 2

I just got home from class and decided to check out how the plants were doing. The temp was sitting at 82.2F with a humidity of 60%. I might try getting a towel damp and putting it in the box to help bring that humidity up a bit. Also the PH was between 7.0 and 7.5 so I lowered it down to ~6.00. Since I don't have the means of getting a digital PH tester I went with the liquid test option since Roseman said it doesn't matter how close you get to the right PH just as long as its "close."

For the most part everything seems to be going smooth. I think the gal in the back got a little to hot from the lights. There is that one leaf that has some curve to it. But anyhow, here are some pics for your enjoyment. I tried to get some pics of the stems. Cheers:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Nice plants dude! I really like the stealth tote and I hope that they are both lovely ladies. I like the new growth, they are gonna shoot up soon enough


Active Member
Nice plants dude! I really like the stealth tote and I hope that they are both lovely ladies. I like the new growth, they are gonna shoot up soon enough
Thanks man! After months of reading and gathering my resources the tote was the best bet. Only problem is slight heating issues but I talk about that in my next post (waiting for images to upload). I'm hoping the boom will happen soon. I'm thinking maybe this weekend when I change the res water and add 1/2 the nutrients it calls for.



Active Member
Week 3 Day 3

Today has been a lazy one before I head into work so I've been planning the next few steps to come. I went to bed last night with only 2 CFL's powered on because of the over heating issues with 3 or more. I started another thread in the DWC section about the issues and Flo Grow chimed in with some helpfull info about igloo coolers. Needless to say I will be checking these out after work tonight.

-This morning the PH was a little high at around 7.5, so I added some PH Up and its not sitting at a even 6 (bright yellow).
-I decided to check for roots coming out the bottom of the basket and sure enough I have a few touching water! I took a few pictures of them and I am starting to think I need to put more holes in the bottom so they can get out easier. Ideas?
-The two hopefull ladies are starting to get a nice earth/green/plant smell. It makes me want to have a few house plants around albiet a fern/small tree/ect.
-I've also noticed slight drooping with the front plant (I really need to get names for these) as well as maybe some yellowing?
-I also installed a timer, which I found with no directions, so I'll be figuring out how to use it and switch the two ladies over to wither 20/4 or 18/6. I was just thinking maybe a break from the light/heat would be good?

That's it for now, Cheers!

Slight yellowing can be seen on the leafs.

Back plant/rest of pictures.


Active Member
what solution did you come to with the slight drooping and yellowing? Are the edges turning yellow or are the leafs developing yellow dots? I like the set up you have going with everything contained. How do you have your wires running?