1st grow with some pics and questions - 5 days into flowering


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3x24w cfl 3000K
PC case


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5 days into flowering, started flowering at Day 15
20 days from seed

Do my plants look healthy guys? As you can see there are some curling at the bottom leaves
Its real bushy and got heaps of leaves at the bottom, im not sure why, and also my stem from the 2nd set of fan leaves is pretty short compared from the first to the second, i'll show with an image

View attachment 2200760

I'm also getting smell from the plant, and I'm not sure if that indicates that it is a male or female, but I do get some sort of different smell


Well-Known Member
HAve you switched to flowering ferts or are you still using your veg ferts?

How frequently are you watering?

Smell does not help determine sex.


Well-Known Member
As to smell, describe it. Does it smell like weed? Reason I ask is mind did for a long time but as it bloomed it took on a dif smell. The good weed smell was gone until the buds are harvested and cured.


Active Member
Hey guys thanks for the information! I am currntly on no ferts/nutes at all but I plan on puttin some in.
I just waiting for PH test kits to arrive
I water them about every 4-5 days mate

The smell is rather minty mmm hard to explain but i think it smells more of a plant smell but the plant smells up the whole room when i take it out :)
Appreciate any tips


If you plan on keeping this as a possible mother, next step would be to stick a clone in 12/12 to find out if the plant is female or if it's trash.