1st grow


New Member
I have a 3×3×6 tent im using a 400w mh bulb and i had a few questions. How far away should this light be kept away? And when should is start feeding my plants? Btw im using happy frog soil



New Member
No not right now but im hoping to get a t5 fluorescent light soon to veg with and im gonna move those out of tent and just flower in my tent but i moved that 400w closer in hopes of them not stretching to much while they are small should i pull back up to top of tent


Well-Known Member
If they strech you can always replant them, i do it all the time, that light is pretty intense for those tiny seedlings, if thats all you got i would keep it up pretty high


Well-Known Member
I would hang it 18 to 24 inches above and see how that works first, you can always lower it if need be


Well-Known Member
I keep my 400W MH lamp at about 24" above freshly sprouted seedlings, and freshly planted clones.