1st harvest, joint wont stay lit, curing help


Active Member
Its been a month and a half since harvest and I've put my harvest in 3 mason jars. I may have let them get too dry before i put hem in jars. I opened the jars for maybe 10min every day or so since harvest. After maybe 6 weeks reintroduced some humidity in there and continuing the burping since then. Now close to 8-9 weeks have passed. When i wanna smoke some I let a bit of it get completly dry by letting it sit on my desk. I get a super high if I smoke in with my bong but whenever I tried to roll a joint with some It never burns right. I gotta keep re-lighting.. How can I make this smokable, I've grown 3 strains and all 3 ended up un-joinable lol


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you trapped water in it for too long, is it growing mold? (White powdery stuff)

You really should have it dry within two weeks.

Read faq for complete instructions.

Basically you want to hang it with the fan leaves removed with a lot of air circulation until the stems are still bendy but it feels dry, then manicure and jar it up, in a couple hours it will be wet again, let it sit out with plenty of air circulation, when it feels dry again, jar it up, then repeat this process until it doesn't get wet after being jarred up, and the stems snap.

This works for me in a high humidity area.

What did you do to "re-introduce" humidity?


Active Member
they've been in mason jars for 8-9 weeks now, but prior to that I've had let em hang in a dark closet maybe for 2 weeks. My impression is it dried too quickly, and put in jars too dry to cure, could this have traped like chlorophyl in there or something. They went in jars weighin about 25% of what they used to when freshly cut. Theres definitly no mold or weird smell, the buds looks awesome and the smell is nice. I put a wet paper towel back in the jars 2 weeks ago, I let it in there for a couple hours. Since then Im still burping the jars, Im not sure Im on the right track or am I forgetting something


Well-Known Member
For jjoints you want drier weed. Damp buds are ok in bowls so that it doesn't all go up in smoke. Try putting some in your oven at the lowest setting dor about 15 minutes then run it through your grinder for a joint.


Well-Known Member
A joint that wont stay lit is a good joint. They should go out. I dnt put mine out they just go out on a tray.


Well-Known Member
2 weeks of drying may not have been enough. what is the relative humidity where you live? some places it may take a month of hanging to really get dry. the outside feels dry, but the inside holds alot of moisture. You will know it is curing correctly when the bud starts to turn golden brown near the stem first and the smell starts to go from grassy to pungent. Where I live we average 50-60% humidity in the spring/summer/fall and about 20% in the winter. To get my buds dry takes 10 days in a special fan assisted dryer in the summer and 1 week in the winter, then 2 weeks of curing in mason jars with burping each day followed by 1x/week burps for the next 2 weeks. after 6 weeks total cure I no longer burp them.


Well-Known Member
If they are that gooey with res. They wont stay lit.

Ya should know what wet/too moist of weed is like.


Active Member
they seemed dry enough. And even if I let a small bud sit on desk for a few days, it gets bone dry but still wont stay lit. I've smoke a lot of weed before and I know thats not the normal "dont stay lit" type of burn I like. Im wondering if the burning only rely on dryness, or proper curing also. And thanks NoDrama that was helpful :)


Well-Known Member
Even if you let it sit out to bone dry a joint won't burn; My guess might be a paper problem?

I know overdried weed burns like a wildfire in a doobie.

Also I'm assuming that the joint is too wet to burn at all, not that it just goes out a lot, which might be a too heavy paper problem. What kind of wraps do you use?


Active Member
its definitly not a matter of paper, I use a couple types. Mostly Hempire. Its 1 and a quarter inch hemp sheet thats kinda thin. Sometimes with a cognac goldenwrap sheet. It burns better with goldenwrap but its painful with Hempire.

But I dont wanna change papers, I wanna cure my buds right so lets focus on that guys. I think im on the right track now


Well-Known Member
Sorry, thought you might be using regular cig papers, I used to use Hempire or Skunk papers, I switched to Elements rice papers and never looked back.

I really don't know what the problem is, you said it got bone dry after sitting out for a while and still didn't burn right, so I figured it had to be the papers.

Maybe you're just rolling them too tight?

If it's bone dry it should burn fine, no matter how you cured it, mexican weed isn't cured at all, and plenty of joints are rolled outta schwag.

My guess is it's rolling technique, but that's just a. guess, don't get offended. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i had same problem u didnt let them dry well or it was moist in the jar take bud out and let it dry for a day or 2 when u put them back in jar they wont be as crispy after


Active Member
its cool wasnt offended at all, maybe a lil pissed at my buds lol. You're right, I tried to roll em not as tightly as I use to it helps.

And hows that rice paper, like super thin? I heard about it before but im not sure, I'll buy some and try. I love to discover new rolling papers. Since my buds don burn too well Im mostly into goldenwrap these days. I love it, chocolate and cognac mmmmm

ps edit: holy shit, i just taken a look at my drawer where i put all my rolling stuff, and I had on of them elements rice 1 n quarter thin rice papers 50 pack. Rolling one now! peace :)


Well-Known Member
Too much nutes, did you flush your plant real good before harvesting? When you burn it does it burn black? or does it burn until it is white?


Well-Known Member
i dry for 1 week in a empty bedroom and then jar it up i burp it forlike a week or so thats it i smoke fat joints all day buy some zigzags dude.