1st journal, 5 plants, advice needed and appreciated. with pics

this is my first grow journal, so lets start with the seeds, i got 5 seeds from www.pickandmixseeds.co.uk, 1 blueberry from dutch passion, 1 green poison from sweet seeds, 1 auto blueberry from lowlife seeds, 1 northern light blue from delicious seeds and 1 bubblicious from nirvana seeds. all feminised seeds btw. i read on here that germination method i.e. paper towel was for old dry seeds so i thought i'd use the natural way and planted them straight into soil, and i worked great it took 3 days and green poison had broke through and i think it was 5 days for northern light blue which is why its a little smaller than green poison, n.l.b has also fallen further behind in growth since it started to droop and shrivel, it was awful to find in that state, but at least green poison is going strong, well at least i think it is

i got a light set from www.hydrohobby.co.uk its a 250w light system which includes a reflector a bulb and a ballast, that cost me £75.00. (the light bulb that came with the set is dual spectrum, i was wondering if its as good as using MH first then sodium bulbs) i've ordered some canna bio vega (i will also buy some canna bio flores when the time comes) and i ordered 5 5L pots for later, also a couple of pipettes for nutrient measurements.

ok so now my wardrobe, from top to bottom is 174 cm, 82 cm in length, 50 cm in width. just got some silver foil from emergency fire blankets, i thought it would be as good as regular tin foil.

DAY 31 for northern light blue and green poison.
so northern light blue and green poison was planted on the 14 april so are a month old today, and northern light blue i think is just recovering from..... well i dont know what but from what i've read its overwatering.(they have had no nutes as of yet but when they were transplanted it was into MG potting soil), green poison and northern light blue were potted into john innes potting soil.

it looked alot worse a couple of days ago, but it seems like its getting better.

this is green poison which has always been ahead of N.L.B (and before whatever went wrong with it, it looked like a mini version of this one.)

DAY 12 for these 3.
on the 3rd may blueberry, auto-blueberry and bubblicious was planted, and they are doing fine so far.

so i got a couple questions, first, when is the best time to move into the final pots? and are 5L pots going to be big enough? i'll put some more pics up soon. so tell me what you think, i'll be happy to hear any feedback.


heres some pics of the problem plant, northern light blue,

droopy n.l.b 4.JPGdroopy n.l.b 3.JPGdroopy n.l.b 7.JPGdroopy n.l.b 2.JPGdroopy n.l.b.JPGdroopy n.l.b 5.JPG
droopy n.l.b 6.JPG

and heres some from when it was ok.

n.l.b 2.JPGn.l.b.JPGnorthern light blue.JPG

then all of a sudden it drooped a few days ago. it looked as tho the other one was going the same way as this one but it perked up yesterday about the same time this one looked a little better.
northern light blue is looking alot better today, i'll let it dry a little more before next watering because the pot still feels a bit heavy. but everything else is going well as far as i can tell.
im sure many people on this site have grown blueberry, so if its not any trouble could somebody post a link to their grow journal please ?
auto blueberry is doing great.
bubblicious is jus a little behind auto B, but still doing fine.


and blueberry is going slower than the other 2, but doing alright.


all are on day 13 from being planted in the soil, please could someone tell me if they're not looking like they should, or looking like they should.

today was the first watering with nutes, the bottle said mix 20ml with 10L so i mixed 1 ml into 1L, so that its diluted and not full strength. if anybody has any advice id like to hear it.
norhtern light blue hasnt really changed much, but looks a bit better.


green poison is doing great as far as i can tell, these 2 were also watered with canna bio veg at the same time as the other three.


ive read that three weeks is the minimum you can wait before you flower, the three i planted on the 3rd of may will be three weeks old tomorrow, but im going to wait till they're 1 month, do you think that will be ok? green poison is 5 weeks and 3 days old so by june time it should definatly be ready to flower, i just dont want to be vegging and flowering at the same time. heres some pics of all of them.

i'll start with the little ones: 1 blueberry, 2 auto blueberry and 3 bubblicious.
P230510_10.08.jpgA blueberry.jpgP230510_10.11.jpg

blueberry is just as tall as auto blueberry and bubblicious, but just not as much growth.

these are green poison, which is about 10 inches tall.
i'm not sure when to flower, so when i do i dont want them to out grow the wardrobe,
so please can someone tell me if flowering too early will affect the plant negatively.
im aware the plants can double or more in size during flowering, i,m not worried about the plants getting too tall because the wardrobe is very tall, but the width may be an issue if they get too bushy.

this is my first grow and i know its supposed to be a practise run, but i dont want to ruin it so if anyone knows something that could help me then please do.

just gave auto blueberry, blueberry and bubblicious a watering with nutes, 2nd feeding. all of them are doing good i think, auto blueberry is showing preflowers at three weeks old. gonna flower when the new soil, pots and nutes arrive.

Auto blueberry, blueberry and bubblicious are 3 weeks old today, someone please tell me if i'm doing a good job. im worried its not going well.
auto blueberry is forming buds all over the place, just the other day she was just showing pre-flowers, it looked like it was a new leaf set forming at the top, then all the little white hairs started bunching up, now there on every branch.