1st Medical Grow--Flood and drain system


So this is my first grow, so far so good. I have 9 plants in the hydro system and 4 in soil.(only supposed to have 12 pants;)) They are under a 1000w MH. The extra plant is a Sweet Deep Grapefruit seedling that I hope to grow to its full potential and shes under her own florescent light. The rest are just seeds from surprisingly good reggs.

Were using Fox Farm nutrients (Tiger Bloom, Grow Big, Big Bloom) for the hydro and Hydroplex Bloom Maximizer for the 3 in soil. The table gets flooded every 4 hours.

The plants in the system were started out 12/12 because we initially were only going to do soil but we decided a hydro setup would be better. Only 3 of the 12 plants we started in soil were female and we decided to keep them and see what the end results were. And no, we dont have 2 rooms (yet).

Heres some pics and ill try to keep it up to date everyday!!!:mrgreen:

