1st outdoor grow


Hi there, i`ve been lurking around for some years now and i finally decided to give it a go. I bought about 15 afghan kush seeds and also planted a couple that i found in my weed. After butchering the males i ended up with these beautiful girls. They look healthy to me only problem is that 2 of them have started budding and both look like they have seeds in them. One of them showed male organs about a week ago. I got very paranoid because she is 2 meters tall and didnt want to loose it so i just took of the few male balls that were on her, about 10 and on the upper part of the plant. I checked the plants 2 days ago and it seems that its doing just fine, no more male balls and continues budding, only problem is that it allready developed a few seeds :( What should i do ? What do you think about the plants ?

P.S. I hope you like my twins in img 3304. The stalk split at about 15 cm from the soil and any leaves around that area turned yellow so i pulled them off. Will it be able to hold its own weight when it starts budding ?



Well-Known Member
Welcome Chiba, males should be removed, you could have a Hermaphrodite ( male / female ) the problem any plant with pollen ( seed ) sacs could mess with your females,
as for flower weight you could support with stakes