1st real guerilla grow(THC bomb,dutch passion ect) grow journal


New Member
Ayooo! Glad you clicked this thread! Ill be making an outdoor grow journal of 5 different strains all from herbies headshop. I bought 5 Dutch passion frisian dew, 5 THC bomb and got 10 free Kerala x SKUNK#1(regular seeds) 4 free Samsara green love potion and 2 Afghan kush. All are feminized except the kerala x SKUNK #1. I just put them into the peat moss pellets one week ago and all have sprouted except 1 afghan 1 green love potion and 1 thc bomb. I'm going to take pictures now and they will be up in a few minutes. Stay tuned for all the details and updates of these strains as I attempt my first grow!!

Also I am not experienced with actually growing but I have been reading forums and doing heavy research for about 2 years now so I do know a fairly large amount of information just without hands on experience. I know what I'm in for and I'm ready to get this year started with some dank ass females!!! (:
Here is one picture of the all. I know this is not a very good setup lol its just to get them going before I move them outdoors to my location. I also have pic and videos what my location looks like coming soon!
I'm using a cellphone so its hard to navigate lol so my apologies for the dumb shit like a sideways pic but I circle the different strains according to color. Blue is green love potion, green is the THC bomb, purple is the frisian dew, red is the afghan kush and yellow is the Kerala skunk#1.
Thanks man! Its going to be quite the experience! If anyone here has a few critical tips or some advice of any kind at all please let me know!
I planted a couple of the Kerala x Skunk #1 freebies I got from Herbie's too. So far they're strong seedlings, hoping to get a female from the two. I'll be popping in here to compare how mine are growing compared to yours...on my first grow too and doing a backyard grow.

Good luck.
I planted a couple of the Kerala x Skunk #1 freebies I got from Herbie's too. So far they're strong seedlings, hoping to get a female from the two. I'll be popping in here to compare how mine are growing compared to yours...on my first grow too and doing a backyard grow.

Good luck.

That's awesome dude. What strain of seeds did u buy to get the free one?
Nice man ! I'm so pumped up its crazy. The thought of growing my very own dank is really exciting haha
For sure.

My main goal in growing is to save my mom from having to buy mid grade stuff locally. She uses for pain management from neck and shoulder surgery and decided that renewing her card wasn't worth it. But I'm sure I'll partake in a bit of my harvest as well.
For sure.

My main goal in growing is to save my mom from having to buy mid grade stuff locally. She uses for pain management from neck and shoulder surgery and decided that renewing her card wasn't worth it. But I'm sure I'll partake in a bit of my harvest as well.

Good for you dude. Ya if you can grow your own and make sure it wasnt havrested before being washed with water so you arnt smoking nutes or mold ect. Thats one reason I wanna do my own grow. And free of course lol
No shes dead bud :/ No leaves = No Photosynthesis = No life :( The rest are looking lovely mate :) Gota kinda crippled 1 though :/ Saafe
No shes dead bud :/ No leaves = No Photosynthesis = No life :( The rest are looking lovely mate :) Gota kinda crippled 1 though :/ Saafe

Damn ok man thanks for the reply lol there goes one of my four samsara green love potion. Oh well though they were free. As for the bent one..should I get a stick of some sort to hold it directly up or should I just leave it be ?
And that bent one is also from my cat lol. And how often do you water the peat moss pellets? I have been once a day or every other day and seems to be ok but just sort of loose which has me worried the roots will not thrive like the would if it were a little more compact if you see what I'm saying.
This being my first grow could anyone estimate what any of these strains might yield in 6 hours of direct sunlight with, lets just say, miracle grow 3 month time release. Mixed with 99 cent top soil from Lowe's and maybe some perlite too. I know this is a vague type of question but Im just saying if you were to guess what would you think it would yield?

I may also add a few more nutes down the line as well
And here are all of the feminized plants after re planting them into bigger pots. Almost all of them are looking nice and green.

Here is an update on one of the dutch passion frisian dew females! I was wondering also..can u get an idea of what the bud will smell like by the leaf aroma??
