1st soil grow inside


Well-Known Member
I have started a indoor grow of grape sunk in a 3x5 space. I have 8 plants in 1- gal pots growing in sunshine mix 4 and a 400w hps light. They have just started thier 12/12 flowering phase (about a week in) I have also started them on a regiment of Fox Farm Big Bloom. The only problem is I am getting some purplish/reddish color in some leaves and some tiny yellow spotting on some of the leaves too. What should I do? Any suggestions on how to better my room for cheap would be much appreciated I am just starting.


Active Member
A good cheap way to add light is with CFL's. Just plug one of these bad boys into a lamp and set it in your room, close to the girls. SeeMoreBuds has a book called "Buds for Less" that talks about growing with these. You could search for CFL's in this forum and get tons of info too.

As for the coloration in the leaves, the purple/red in the leaves doesn't sound like a bad think if you are growing "Grape Skunk," as I would imaging this is one of the Purple strains. The yellow could be either not enough light or nutrients, or it could be the
natural life cycle of the plant. If it is the lower fan leaves (the big ones that come out the side) then it is probably the life cycle. This will slowly happen as the plant progresses through the flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
Check the underside of your leaves with a strong microscope, look for spider mites, yellow spots on leaves can be an infestation


Well-Known Member
Yes I have a fan on them and a 6 inch exhaust fan with a charcoal filter, as well as a intake. I never thought about CFL's any suggestion as to how many to use or what wattage or color? I am about to check them soon so I'll let you know about the mite thing. thanks a lot.


Well-Known Member
checked my leaves tonight. Still have the coloring purplish/reddish on the stem. and the yellow was still there, but they don't look that bad. No spidermites, I checked the underside of the leaves. I watered with just plain ol water tonight too. Any other suggestions for my room?


Well-Known Member
yea there's no need for any other light now, the HPS will take care of it... My damn room looks like i kidnapped the sun and stuck it in my closet, there's just no way of hiding it lol.

As for the spots, are they still there? Be careful when using nutes around them, don't get any on the plants themselves cuz it'll cause problems like burn and maybe spots.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about adding a couple CFL's to my current setup, not replacing my hps with CFL's. You guys think adding CFL's to a 400w hps sytem would help with flowering?


Active Member
IMO yes it will help, the more light, the better end product:blsmoke:

i personally just use hps for flowering but i know people who use hps alongside cfl's for extra side light and they always get nice buds:peace:


Well-Known Member
ok. so I went to the depot and picked up a pack of CFLs they are 2700k soft white and they say 100 watt equivalent but underneath in smaller letters it says 23 watts = 100 watts are these the right ones? I also got some molasses I heard that helps if you put it in the water when flowering. I got Grandma's Molasses Unsulphred any help on that would be appreciated. thanks.


Well-Known Member
I just harvested some white widow and tomorrow grape ape. but i used molasses, grandmas for the last 3-4 weeks of flowering everytime i watered and when i nuted i used both. i would have used molasses the whole flowering time but i just learned about it at that point. im not sure if the molasses helped, but it didnt hurt. my room did smell like molasses when i was using it. i used straight distelled water for the last two weeks to flush nutes out.


Active Member
Keep in mind when adding CFL's to your current set-up that Lumens are not additive. i.e. Adding CFL's to where there is already an abundance of light will not help a whole lot. With the light that you have, IMO, it would be more beneficial to add the lights to the sides and bottoms, so that way the light is being used in areas that wouldn't otherwise have any light. This should help your plant stay nice and fatty - which make fatty joints all that much easier!

Any yes, the CFL's that you have will work. As a general rule, the more watts the more Lumens, so the more the better. Just watch the overall heat too, more lights equals more heat.