1st Solo Gro.


Well-Known Member
looking good man, what strains you gone for here? keep it updated bro i'd like to see how these babies turn out


Well-Known Member
Lookin good, just wanted to remind you, but you should reallllly remove those dead leaves from the soil, its a pest/mold trap waiting to happen. Keep your space as clean as possible n ur plants will love it.

Lookin good, just wanted to remind you, but you should reallllly remove those dead leaves from the soil, its a pest/mold trap waiting to happen. Keep your space as clean as possible n ur plants will love it.

oh yea? i always went with the recycle concept... but i guess it wouldnt really apply for a three month process.
They are starting to smell already, mom and dad are coming to visit this weekend. luckily its not smelling outside of the closet yet.


Active Member
their lookin great and i dont mean to down your shit or anything but why not just use the actual closet or build a box inside it instead of rubbermaids if you dont need stealth


Well-Known Member
cool stuff man, looks good. why not build a cupboard or something if its not really gonna be so stealthy ya know???


Well-Known Member
ehh he went to all the trouble of making that double rubbermaid grow, i dont see the point at this time in the build.

Alot of the time apartments would get real butthurt about cuttin into your closet, and this way its portable too.

I think your current setup will do fine, if you run into problems with it you can always modify it to make it work.



Well-Known Member
is that tub kept somewhere dark when the the lights are off?

i was worried because the light is showing throught the top tub, which would mean your plants will not have complete darkness when it should be dark. and from what ive learnt on her would lead to males and hermies.

maybe paint the top tub.
sorry i havent posted in a few. i know your all dying to see whats up with the plants...... Well, I got one male, the rest are female, and each female is a different strain. One has mega tight little baby nugs. the other has some juicy ass stamen, and the other has yet to begin flowering. ill get some pics up tomorrow night. Merry Christmas.