1st time grow!! Any advice or comments plzz!!

Well these are my babies, i have them in scotts premium potting soil. I sprouted the seeds in a humidity dome thing then transfered into party cups, and now into these containers. They have been under my 175 Mh since they srpouted and were trasfered into the party cups. i hafe some nutes but everyone said they were pretty much trash, so i ordered some Gh florna set to get me going in the right direction (hopefully). i have a couple question

the tall one in the back left is starting to start yellowing on the tips of leaves and some blotchs on it. what should i do?

Also, are these pots big enough for overall growth untill flowering?
depending how big you want your plants depends on how big the pots are you have them in right now.
One thing I would do now is put a black garbage bag around those pots so they are not in the light, roots hate light.

I think that you have too many plants for 174, I have 2-400's and 108-10 is my limit at one grow.


Active Member
first thing is u want to get them transplanted into so different tube or buckets what are NOT clear plastic, light will shaft the roots and lead to lots of problems!