1st time grow.. Closet growing three plants

:weed:I started my three plants from seed at bout the end of April. When I first started them, for the first month I used 2700k cfl lights and they grew slow as fuck... Now afte that I got 3 6500k cfls and 2 48" 6500k fluro tubes and two 24" 6500k fluro.. They are all three a lil over 12 inches and got lotz n lotz of new growth... I want to know how much longer I need to veg them till I flower them.. I have a closet 4ft wide, 2ft deep and 6ft tall... I know I have to switch my lights over to 2700k when I fower, but what height should I flower to get a good yield and how much of a yield would I be lookin at?:weed:


Active Member
Thats a pretty solid first grow. You'll be excited when you start flowering... I started flowering two weeks ago... And it's starting to look good ;)


Well-Known Member
give it anoter week or so, they dont double in size, thats folklore.....not in heght anyhow......

the more you veg, the better the yeild


Looken good. I veged for about 35 days. I was waiting for them to get to about 18" tall. Indica dominit. Now my tallest are about 28" and still going. Glad I did. If yours are more of a sativa strain the'll stretch alot more in flower. It also is my first grow.
good Luck and have fun!