1st time grow, need some advice.


Active Member
So I planted a dozen "bag seeds" and got a dozen females! My first time! I started them outdoors and moved them inside under a 1000W HPS for the flowering. They are in the 4 th week of flowering and some of the top fan leaves are yellowing and drying up but from the center of each blade starting small and growing outward to eventually encompass the whole blade. I am using all organic soil and nutes. Not sure what it is, I don't think it's nute burn. I intend to flush today. Also, the cola of this plant seems infected or something, it's not growing white hairs, they are coming out orangeish. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Will try to post pics later today. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
sounds like your plants are burnt or locked up from the soil or nute's

if your water is really hard or high ph this starts you off in bad shape
once you get the pictures up it will be easier to diagnose


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the females!

Definitely looks like nute burn...either that or your pH is off, are U checking it with a pH meter? What type of water are U feeding it? what nutes? NPK? how much per feeding are U giving them? How often do you feed? how often do you water them?

Check this chart for the most common plant problems --> Plant Abuse Chart

As far as the orange hairs, its usually normal for the pistols to begin to turn orange/brown in the 4th week of flowering, but they should almost always start off white..

I would recommend U check the pH of your water first, if the pH is ok then flush two or three times with pH'd water and hold off on the nutes until you see a deficiency again, then remedy it.


Active Member
Ok, I use reverse osmosis water from the glacier water dispensers. I test the ph of the water after adding nutes. I use pure blend pro flower now, 1 oz per gallon, and they are taking about 1/2 to 3/4 of a gallon every 2 to 3 days. I typically feed every watering, unless I see some burn. I've had burn before, but it didn't look like this. Not sure what NPK is, is it a nute? And, yes, all of the pistols started off white.

the widowman

Well-Known Member
have you got a fan on the go. need good ventalation, also going from out to in is a bad idea you'll bring disease into your grow room and you wont be able to get rid of it till you finnish the grow, by disinfecting the whole area. and your plants are at least 3 weeks off harvest.


Active Member
got a 6" fan blowing across the tops, and on the light, and have a 12" oscillating fan circulating the air in the room. I also have a caterpillar infestation that I am trying to get rid of, do they show up in black light? I cant seem to find them, i have found 4 or 5 but I keep seeing more poo and eaten leaves. I hope they are enjoying the high.


Well-Known Member
looks more like heat stress. what are your temps, you can tie branches down away from the light, they will adjust themselves. how much water are they drinking a day and what is your feeding schedule like?


Well-Known Member
Looks like several problems.

Your grow room should be sterile. Since you brought you plants in from outside they should have been treated like they had bugs. They needed to have been sprayed throughly before being brought inside.

What is the temp in there? Is you hood air cooled? Do you have an exhaust fan? How big? Is there a fan pulling in cool air? How big?

Supposedly High Tech makes a product called sm90. If it is all it is cracked up to be that should help. But not until your next grow. This one you will be lucky to save much.

After this grow clean your grow room with a bleach solution. I vacuum and then fill a gallon sprayer with my bleach solution and go in and hose it down from top to bottom. Air it out. And I have a clean start. Or you can bug bomb it if you want to spend the $$$


Active Member
looks more like heat stress. what are your temps, you can tie branches down away from the light, they will adjust themselves. how much water are they drinking a day and what is your feeding schedule like?

Can you tie the top down? I wasn't sure if that would re-distribute energy into the other branches.


Well-Known Member
I typically feed every watering, unless I see some burn. I've had burn before, but it didn't look like this. Not sure what NPK is, is it a nute? And, yes, all of the pistols started off white.
U feed every watering!? man thats not good at all..U need to flush those ladies like asap! Lay off the nutes for a few feedings man, you're cramming food down their throat and they are already full.

The soil is loaded with salt build up now, which can cause lockout and make the plants to appear to be nutrient deficient..and when the first signs appear most newbies try to feed the plant more and more nutes to correct the problem but it actually worsens it by adding a ton of nutrients that the plant doesnt need.

[SIZE=-1]NPK is the abbreviation for the primary elements, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). In the US, the percentages of these elements are required to be on the front label of all fertilizers. The percentages appear as numbers, ie, 14-12-14, where the first number is always N, the second number is always P, and the third number is always K.[/SIZE]