1st time grow Secret Jardin 4x4x7 Bubbleponics 600w hps ventilation question


Hey so ill be recieving everything in the mail this week. And Im just wondering what would be the best possible way to set up my ventilation with what I got.

Secret Jardin Dark Room Pro DR120 II Grow Tent - Secret Jardin - Grow Tents - Greners.com

x2 Inline 6'' 400 CFM Inline fans
Active Air In-Line Fans - Greners.com

Silverstar Reflector (If anyone knows if this has 2 vent holes please let me know)

Phresh Filter
Phresh Filters - Greners.com

So I was thinking I would run ducting from the reflector to one of the port holes up top to the exhaust and then have the phresh filter outside of the tent. And the intake I was just goin to run ducting from a fake vent on a white piece of plywood in the window as a facade and PULLING the air in. And then I was just going to build a little tube to blow the air into the bottom middle of the tent or somewhere near the center of the plants. Also where I live its very cold and I know intake has to be atleast 60 degrees.
How should I go about heating this very cold intake air? Also what would be the benefit of dropping 400 bucks on a co2 generator? Is this too much ducting? Is this going to be sufficient air flow for my 4x4x7 tent? This is my first grow so please dumb down your answers for me :D

Im just wondering if all this sounds right or if someone can teach me how to set this up the best way possible that would be great. Im also open to ideas/suggestions on upgrades and stuff for the future

Thanks guys
hey mindx.. nice to see ur post as i to am growing in the same tent you have and i just set mine up last night.. and i can tell you after having it sitting in the box for 3 months, then seeing it all set up was great.

first off yes the silverstar reflector has to vent holes so it can e air cooled look at this page (hope link works..)

and are you saying ur ganna have 2 inline fans??

this is how i set mine up while im figuring temps and best way to set it up.......was i ran ducting from reflector on both sides left side went out left upper port hole.. on right side i put the ducting up to the top hole and set my inline fan on top of tent connected to ducting.. so it come in from left passes light and then goes up.. my fan is 409cfm .... then a small 150 cfm inline fan pulling air from top right port hole sucking from open vents on bottom... im running a 600w switchable ballast that im ganna switch out between metal halide and high pressure sodium... running with all my fans going and having light about 20 inch above thermometer it got to 85 with it sucking in air 60 degrees .... idk about 400 on co2 generator... i got myself a tank for 150 with regulator.. generator can be kinda big and bulky and if ur just starting prop tank would be best until u master it.... if u have ur 2nd 400 cfm fan sucking air out into ur filter that will be way enough.. they say u want at least to exhaust ur room once every 5 min... u got a 112 cf room with a fan taking out 400 cfm.. thats way good..

then if ur ganna use phresh filter ( im not using filter right now).. i would put filter outside of tent for now with a short ducting to ur inline fan on top then more ducting that goes inside ur grow tent thru the top right hole.. if set up like min..

what kinda light u ganna get?? how cold is a normal night cuz u might have to run at night to warm it up.
you ganna do hydro or soil?? where u get ur seeds or clones?? and what strain

i only have internet at my moms but im ganna try to set up grow journal... we can keep an eye on each others to compair
Thanks alot, Im going to try a couple different ways to see which way works the best. But as the reflector mine doesnt look like that. I ordered a bubbleponics set so its going to be all hydro from stealth hydroponics but I just got an email saying theyre running a little slow because theyre in the middle of moving warehouses or something. But ya definately Im going to set up a grow journal. Ill post back on here with pictures and stuff of the set up that worked the best. But from what I heard the active air inlines are kinda loud.

I ordered Citrus skunk #1 from everyonedoesit.com it was like the only decent strain i could afford after I ordered everything I needed.
yeah i know im still trying to move a few things around finding what fits best... yeah fan is kinda loud but im thinking of putting a dimmer switch on it.. and i dont know where ur seed are shipping from or where u are receiving them but mine got caught by homeland security. kinda sucks bad got to send another 20 bucks to the company for them to send replacement seeds ... i got some medijuana at 25 % thc level i forget where from but its only 8 wk flower
so whats going on?? got anything set up yet?? i got a few seeds going .. 3rd eye, platinum kush, and some seeds from my last grow of random bag seeds... all just sprouted