1st time grower lives and learns...


Well went to check my babies out today and like i said in my last thread the leaves were turing yellow. Well, today the first sprouting leaves are gone and the tips of the second pair are kinda brown and wilting.

1st time grow i used MG. guess it nute burned my plant. the other one is looking better but from pat experience has anyone used mg had a nute burn and it survived? or will it stress it to much kill it or could it live and just be a male from the nute burn???:wall::bigjoint:


Active Member

Well went to check my babies out today and like i said in my last thread the leaves were turing yellow. Well, today the first sprouting leaves are gone and the tips of the second pair are kinda brown and wilting.

1st time grow i used MG. guess it nute burned my plant. the other one is looking better but from pat experience has anyone used mg had a nute burn and it survived? or will it stress it to much kill it or could it live and just be a male from the nute burn???:wall::bigjoint:
I started out with MG 3 Month release like an idiot.. Killed all my plants..

Switched to MG Organic and flushed the soil 1nce before i planted.. Havent had any Nut problems since..

Though if you have the money for better soil.. Get better soil.. I only used MG cause it was all i had access to.
thanks guys.....well i just got paid but bills come first...next year ill have to use different soil....thanks for the tips...the time release has obviously released to i dont think any more harm can happen. ill just wait it out and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
well...if it was getting yellow...you may have done a couple things wrong, 1. you could have killed it with the MG. 2. if you added nutes, you may have killed it with the MG + nutes. 3 you were lacking nitrogen, and last but not least, 4. you have have over watered it....choose your answer carefully sir, it could save its life.
well...if it was getting yellow...you may have done a couple things wrong, 1. you could have killed it with the MG. 2. if you added nutes, you may have killed it with the MG + nutes. 3 you were lacking nitrogen, and last but not least, 4. you have have over watered it....choose your answer carefully sir, it could save its life.

Its eaither water or Mg killed it. 1 i used top soil and some MG and mixed it together. 2 didnt use any nutes at all. and it has rained here alot but for the past 2 days now its been sunny and 84. the tops are still growing. so ill give it another week before i get the final out come.


Well-Known Member
ya, that rain probably didnt help out at all. that sux man. if it comes back, just take a clone and put it in some different soil, or just take that plant out and shake most of the dirt off and replant it, it'll be in shock afterwards, but only for a little bit than come back to life.