1st time grower.. Please help guys

Im not sure where to post this, because I just joined this website (GREAT forum btw) so im going to post in newbie central. Here are 5 pictures of my new plant I got from a friend,(so i dont know anything about this) I would like to know when this will start giving out good buds to smoke. As you can see, I have the plant inside a pot and everything is already included in the soil, etc. I just need to know when do I have to keep watering it so I can keep it alive for buds, or is there anyway to speed the process up? Thanks guys.

Btw, I live in florida if that helps.:leaf:

p.p.s. I dont know how old this plant is, So any opinions im open too also.



Well-Known Member
it should b flowering on its own since its the nights have gotten longer. heres a tip to help keep it alive, clean out a small closet in your house if you can, and bring it in at night and put it in the closet. but remember that it needs 12 hours dark so you have to bring it in and put it out at the same time every day.
^^ wow that was an awesome tip, thanks. Not only does that help keep it away from people to see it but yeah keeping it outside in the sunlight is no problem. All I would have to do is water the plant every other day? is watering the only thing I got to do to keep it alive until it buds? sorry, i am a noob -_-

btw, fertilizer and all that is already in the soil, obviously


Well-Known Member
ur still going to want to feed the plant nutes, find out if ur friend used soil with time release fertilizers because if he did u might want to hold off on adding extra nutes...if not the fertilizers going toi be used up by the plant eventually and its going to need more to maximuze its potential
Alright im going to try and get some of that 10-20-30 nutes. Does anybody know when this should start giving out good buds to smoke ?