1st Time Grower

:weed:So this is my first grow. I am using regular ole soil from the back yard, regular tap water and a 24/7 light cycle. My question is, are the small branches/leaves coming out of the nodes the begining stage of the flowering process? thanks for all the help. Also are they looking about the right size for being only 3 1/2 weeks old? Should they be bigger? Are they normally smaller? Any advice/comments are welcome. Thanks in advance!


Yes sorry, are they preflowers or are they just going to be branches? They litterally appeared overnight, which is why I'm wondering? Should they look better do you think? I mean in terms of how many leaves/nodes there are?


Active Member
They look healthy. Remember plants in soil grow slower than hydroponics. Are you planning on topping or training the plant?


Well-Known Member
they look fine. your new growth is just branching. it will be 2-4 more weeks till you see preflowers. or untill you switch to 12 12.
Sweet, I've looked in to the topping. Is it a good idea to do that now. I do understand that they will grow slower in soil. I don't have the means for hydroponics nor do I have all the facts to attempt it correctly! So in for the time being I just wanted to see what I could do with soil. Long as theyre healthy I'm ahppy. I'm going to consider this an "Eyes On" learning experience! Thanks for the quick reply. I will keep updated photos as I come along!


Well-Known Member
i like fimming more than topping. slightly harder to get exactly right but can produce 4 main colas.
I'm not going for anything huge. I'm just (for the first time) getting an idea of how the growing process works. Just for my own learning experience. If this goes even slightly well I will invest a little money in something a little better. Thanks for the reply!

ftc Lando

if you're going to top now is the time. Its not a bad idea but not necessary either. Will up your yield but if you want to see what a plant naturally does thats cool too.
Thanks I figured where I took it from, the soil has plenty of nutrients in it cause there are a bunch of weeds n other plants growing in it, so why not this weed.....LOL
Different way of topping...gives you four Colas instead of two...read my friend read...all your basic questions will be answered!
So just an update really quick. The plants in the last picture are going good...(I will post pictures soon) One is doing better than the other, about 5 inches taller . The one thats doing better is well over 15 inches tall......Very healthy 9 blade leaves on it, all from a bagseed....Nice thick branches, Im in good spirits. If anything after this I will be buying better lights and mabey even some clones to make it all worth the time and money! Pics will be here soon.... Thanks for everyones help!