1st time growing, pics of my plant.


Well-Known Member
looking to get your feedback, my 1st plant so let me know what you think. the pics i took yesterday. im growing in soil and everything organic. is there anything to see? the plant is only 13 inches tall btw.
Looking Super!! :clap:

Are you sure your a first time grower?

Your catching on quick!! +rep :)

p.s. Next time let her get a lil bigger before you put her into flower. ;-)


i took the plant from my friend who neglected it about 2 months ago. i dont have any lights just yet but ive been putting it out in the a.m. everyday and bringing it in at night. he got the seed from a bag of northern light we were told, he left it out in the rain and wind and would go forever without watering. i took it and gave it some nutes, and enjoyed myself so much, imma give it another go, growing is fun!:lol:
.Your plant is a trooper=]. i had a seedling and neglected it..gave it uneven hours of light. never gave it nutrients. not that much light going to it...shes a week into flower.. 2 foot fat stemed bitch and looks fuckinn sexyyy....its a weeed...it growss bomb if u got the right genes. congrats and keeep up the horticulture fun:weed: