1st time hydro grower questions


Well-Known Member
hi to all and thanks in advance for any help you can give. first a little about my set up---i have a 10 gallon fish tank with a airstone to supply the oxygen to my nutes, i have 3" net pots and 3" rockwool to grow in which will be inserted in to a piece of styrofoam which will float on top of the nutes and hang down in the nutes about a inch or so. I have two 4 foot florecent lights and a fan to move the air....i started my seeds in soil and they are about three days old and now i want to take them out of the soil and put them into the rockwool my question is what is the best way to do this??? And as far as nutes i have some dyna grow abd dyna bloom when and how much should i start the plants on the nutes??? please help i am a first time grower but realy want to be successful!


Well-Known Member
I would have started the seeds directly in the rockwool. I'd transplant sooner than later to avoid any more shock than is necessary and before the roots start to develop in the soil, be careful not to introduce too much dirt to your aqua-environment. But don't be too agressive washing the dirt off, lest you damage your very fragile baby plants.


Well-Known Member
hi to all and thanks in advance for any help you can give. first a little about my set up---i have a 10 gallon fish tank with a airstone to supply the oxygen to my nutes, i have 3" net pots and 3" rockwool to grow in which will be inserted in to a piece of styrofoam which will float on top of the nutes and hang down in the nutes about a inch or so. I have two 4 foot florecent lights and a fan to move the air....i started my seeds in soil and they are about three days old and now i want to take them out of the soil and put them into the rockwool my question is what is the best way to do this??? And as far as nutes i have some dyna grow abd dyna bloom when and how much should i start the plants on the nutes??? please help i am a first time grower but realy want to be successful!
The best way that I can see to transplant them from soil to rock wool.
-Make a hole in the Rock Wool thats big enough for you to slide your roots
down into.
-Your probly gona need to support the plant. Either a tooth-pick
or make a puck out of neoprene, or something soft, but not to soft
Packing material. make it square, cut a slot in it, wrap it around the Plant to support it.

Start the nutes right away 1/4 (to) 1/2 strength of what it says to mix on the bottle. atleast for the first week.

I would have started the seeds directly in the rockwool. I'd transplant sooner than later to avoid any more shock than is necessary and before the roots start to develop in the soil, be careful not to introduce too much dirt to your aqua-environment. But don't be too agressive washing the dirt off, lest you damage your very fragile baby plants.
+ Rep :joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks to both of you for your input i will do what yall have siad to do. Thanks again and any other input would be nice if you have anything else to input!


Uses the Rollitup profile
Yes, you should just start over with new seeds directly in the rockwool, but if you want to try to transplant, it won't hurt them. With a 3-inch cube you could slice it halfway across, and put the roots in the slice, and close it and hold it together with some rubber bands. Use very dilute nutes at the start, and learn as you go.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thanks i will try to transplant but if i mess something up i will start over. i guess like you said i will learn as i go...thanks...

here goes nothing!


Well-Known Member
i have never used rockwool before and i wanted to know when i first get the rockwool should i soak the rockwool first or not? i know you said to cut the rockwool in half and then put the roots in the midle should i top feed until the roots are coming through the net pot or will the rockwool soak up the nutes and there will not be no need to top feed?