1st time small plant


Active Member
this is my 1st grow and it may sound daft but here goes i want to grow a very small plant about 2ft most smaller would be better as i dont have space at moment. im currently germinating some random seeds iv accuired. im looking to get it to flower as quick as possible only want a small amount of bud as this is just an experiment im hoping wen i get sum monie to go down the aerogarden route. any help will be appriciated


Well-Known Member
so are you planning to use soil and are the seeds from decent bud because you have less of a chance getting a female from bag seeds you can do alot of reading on here and it will tell you what you need theres too much information on here for me to tell you all of it maybe someone else can


Active Member
im not sure were all the seeds came from there just seeds ive ben given aquired over time, and just wanted to give growing a go so i can have my own stuff for festivals in summer. the lighting at moment is a flourecence tube light about 40cm tube and a random light not sure what it is at moment but im going to get a better light soon just researching whats best for what i want at the moment. bearing in mind i dont want a big yield from this how early could i start flowering im baically just wanting about a 10 bag from each small plant as im just trying this out 2 c if i can do it if this is a small sucsess i will buy sum gd seeds

(as you can tell i cant spell for shit)


Well-Known Member
out of 20 baggie seeds, i finished with 4 females, who are currently into their 27th day of flowering. I am also using 3 flourescent light fixtures each w/ 2 tubed flouros at 40w apiece, so the lights work ok, but baggie seeds; female to male ratios suck, so good luck at getting enough fems from your seeds for a good grow. you would be better off just buying feminized seeds so you can be certain you are getting females. I Wanted a larger grow, but until they flowered I had no idea what they'd be. oh well, it's my first indoor grow, my next one, I'll be sure to use fem. seeds and cloning my ladies would help, too.


Active Member
not sure what you mean by bag seeds few are from bags of weed ive had but most are seeds that have ben bought that people have given me im planning on potting 10 seeds and hoping for a couple of females dont av room 4 10 plants. but one question could i flower after 4 weeks


Well-Known Member
you could force flowering but the plants will continue to grow until maturity before flowering anyways, even with a 12/12 lighting schedule. I did this to force my younger ladies into flowering but they just matured more before flowering. they are kind of catching up to my older ladies but are still smaller due to being forced at a younger age into maturity, so I'm guessing a smaller yield due to this. they are smaller by almost 1 foot in height but the yield looks to be about the same they are a little 'bushier' than my tall lady but again I used baggie seeds so they are all probably different strains anyhow
growing under tubed flouros, I was limited to a longer vegging and flowering times, but 1 month seems to be the norm for most strains of pot plants. I vegged for 2 months, but again i am using a gorilla system with 6 40w 'cool' blue tubed flouros so i can expect to have a much longer growing time than most people.
So in answer to your question, 1 month seems about right just switch to 12/12 after 1 month and see if they continue to grow upward or if they begin to flower (or grow hairs/seed sacs)


Active Member
cheers thanks for that its been a big help will keep posted on how well they grow also any tips on how to speed up germinisation cos ive some that are taking the michael


Well-Known Member
the paper towel works best. place the seeds between 2 damp paper towels in a shallow dish cover loosely with plastic wrap put BLACK paper over it (you want darkness and heat Not light and heat) put it someplace warm, in 2-3 days you should have sprouts coming from the split seeds. wait until these are about 1/4" long then you can transplant them into 16 oz. (beer) cups and get them under 24/0 or 18/6 lighting
This is the fastest way i know, if anyone has a faster way than share it by all means...


Active Member
cheers i will try the darkness ive hered wet towel and warm water but will put ome in wet towle in the drk.

also another q scince you answer so promptly were gettin more and more sun light in my kitchen would i get a gd result putting sum plants on window sill
with some cfl on them. no one can c into it