Well-Known Member
Been away for a while but I have just planted some lemon skunk seeds in Century Cocogreen. My first time using coco, I just had 4 seedlings die and the other still not even got its 3 blade leaves out yet after 2 weeks, so I have planted another 5 seeds. When do I start to add nutes to the seedlings when in coco as I've read people saying they soak their coco in a weak nute solution before planting seed? It has always been my understanding that I don't add nutes till the first proper cannabis leaves show, but then I always used soil. Due to time lost trying to fix problems I am having to put them on 12/12 from seed to meet my deadline, so please troops, anyone that can help me with the proper way to start my seedlings with nutes, when I repot them if these ones don't die, I'm going back to the good old £1 shop compost, always had great results n no problems with the so called cheap shite. Any help at all be greatly appreciated