1st Timer - 85F-90F grow room - will this fan do?


Active Member
Hi Guys,

I did a search but am still mightily confused as to the proper choice of an extractor for my grow room.

10 days into my first grow and I've noticed some heat issues with 1/2 of my seedlings. Just went out and got a thermometer and noticed the my small budbox was running at over 95F!!!!! The seedlings are about 2 inches tall but they've been like that for a few days - although more leaves are coming out.

The size of the box is 75cmx75cmx100cm (2.5x2.5X3.25 feet).

Now I've got a 400W dual freq HPS lamp and a single desk fan in there. If I leave the exhaust ports and flaps open it goes down to between 85 and 90F but I guess I need one of those inline extractors to improve the situation.

Man it's difficult to choose cos there's so much out there.

Does anyone know if this would be sufficient? Also are these fans noisy?

max airflow is [FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Maximum air flow 175 m3 /hour.

Or if you've any suggestions on another one I can order in Europe it would be a great help.

Dang, I should have just got the 250W lamp instead :roll:

Many thanks all, :mrgreen:


Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
hey super... If you hook that exhaust fan directly to your light HOOD.... and run ducting away from your grow area.. it will be perfect..... you will need an opening in the box that FRESH air can enter through.. your room will be the same temp as the fresh air...

an exhaust fan hooked directly to a light is a VERY solid way to manage heat.. as long as the NEW air is cool.
