1st timer getting the hymen broken.


Active Member
Hey I'm Mot and have some questions. Firsty right here starting out cabinet drip set 8 plants (4 sativa 4 indica) all for personal use tried of the astronomical prices for a astronomical buzz. Germinated seeds waited about 4 days inserted in rockwool. ( had the rockwool and median soacked for 24 hours) had a question though. Im using a drip system and each cup holder is being fed by a single tube.
Now where do i insert this tube to supply the water to the seedling? i stuck it onto the rockwool itself and was wondering if thats the correct thing to do. Also current daytime temp is 77 humidity is fluxing between 68-72. anything i need to do or plan for ( already have blooming and rooting concentrate. veg then flwr) Any and all advice would be sick nasty and most appreciated.
