1st timer need help


Hi everybody, Im new here and have been trying to grow for the 1st time. The plants are under 8 23w cfl 6500k spaced 1-3 inches away. I received them as clones and transplanted them over 2 weeks ago. They went threw some hard times for the 1st week after transplanting(over heated100+*F, pH off). Temps are now at 75*F. They are growing in fox farm ocean forest soil and I havent ever fertilized. I think i have issues with lock out as my RO water had a pH of 7.6-7.8. When i tested the soil pH i watered with 6.5pH and the water out the bottom read 6.8-7.0(actual soil pH must be even higher). That was 9 days ago and since then I have watered twice, 1st with 6.5 then 6.0 corrected water to try and bring the soil pH back down. I believe the plants show signs of a magnesium defficiency. I have been foliar feeding every other day with seltzer water and epsom salt. This helped darken them up but the leaves r still droopy and show signs of magnesium deficiency. I dont water unless the soil is dry for about 2-3 inches down. This totals to me watering them about 1qrt per plant every 4-6 days. I will water again later tonight and measure the soil pH and get back to you guys. The plants seem like they are very slowly getting better as all new growth is drooping less and generally darker in color. Through out all the stress they have been threw the 2nd plant continues to grow and the 1st plant slowed but seems to now be picking up. How long should it take for the leaves to all darken up and un droop? Any suggestions on what i should do? ?should i just keep foliar feeding and watering with 6.3-6.6pH water? Let me know what you guys think? Thanks

http://tinypic.com/r/2pzlceb/6 Plant 1
http://tinypic.com/r/jp8ll1/6 Plant 1
http://tinypic.com/r/2hn96hk/6 Plant 2
http://tinypic.com/r/2iuuzhk/6 Plant 2
http://tinypic.com/r/miywlf/6 Plant 2

The burns on a few of the very top leaves on the second plant are from being to close to the lights (rookie move). Happend a week ago.


Active Member
what stain gdp or la con they both look kinda like that but i would spray with water and stop with the salt for a while see what happens and get some bugs in the soil and hit it with some food at a 1/4 strength if you want but usually the ocean forest soil has enough food in it to get you by 2-3 weeks
Sorry man but you need to urgently stop this grow, what you think is magnesium deficiency is actually an acquiesce infection caused by the water you use mixed with epsom salt. there must be traces of probabilistic deposits in the water you use.

if youR plant has been contaminated which judging by the pics it has, the Byzantine can effect air around the plants and be very very dangerous.

sorry to be a bearer of bad news. this may be rare but its very serious.


Active Member
Just use water for now. Foliar feed if you want, but I've found it to cause more problems. Epsom salts usually only need to be applied once when you water.