1st timer!


Well-Known Member
Hello All, As the title states I'm new here and am a first time grower, I'm running a 600w air cooled light in a secret jardin DR120 tent and I have a incredibly dumb question!

does anyone know or have pics of how the can-fan assembly fits together, there are NO directions! my biggest concern is whats the best way to run it through the tent?

the light is hung on its hangers, do I run duct from the outside of the tint to the intake of the light, then run duct from the other end of the light to the can-fan, reason I'm asking is because I googled for some directions and came up with directions showing to hook the fan directly to the filter.

If I do it this way where will the hot air escape to? meaning if the fan-filter combo is hung inside the tent, and I hook the duct striate from the light to the fan-filter, wont I be defeating the purpose of pulling the hot air out? it's inside the tent? do I need another flange for the bottom of the filter, to hook more duct to, and then run it to the outside of the tent? like I said "DUMB QUESTION' please all help will be appreciated. thanks :joint:


I have a sun hut tent think it is like the DR if I was you and only wanted to use one fan i would put the fan after the filter and light using a y connection. So I would bring intake air from out side the tent through the bulb enclosure ot the Y connection that allready has the filter installed on it. now take the last connection point on the y and connect it to your fan and duct it to out side the tent. no more hot air problem or smell if all sized properly. well i hope this helps and doesn't just add to the confusion.


Well-Known Member
Hello All, As the title states I'm new here and am a first time grower, I'm running a 600w air cooled light in a secret jardin DR120 tent and I have a incredibly dumb question!

does anyone know or have pics of how the can-fan assembly fits together, there are NO directions! my biggest concern is whats the best way to run it through the tent?

the light is hung on its hangers, do I run duct from the outside of the tint to the intake of the light, then run duct from the other end of the light to the can-fan, reason I'm asking is because I googled for some directions and came up with directions showing to hook the fan directly to the filter.

If I do it this way where will the hot air escape to? meaning if the fan-filter combo is hung inside the tent, and I hook the duct striate from the light to the fan-filter, wont I be defeating the purpose of pulling the hot air out? it's inside the tent? do I need another flange for the bottom of the filter, to hook more duct to, and then run it to the outside of the tent? like I said "DUMB QUESTION' please all help will be appreciated. thanks :joint:
Well what exactly are you trying to achieve? Do you just want to know how to connect your filter to your fan? Are you trying to lower your temps, or trying to get better airflow? Or better air filtration? There are many different ways you can run things, a lot of it depends on your equipment and your needs. I personally run a passive intake; 4" diameter hole in my grow cab with dryer ducting with -lol- panty hose on the end as a filter for the incoming air. Next the air is drawn through my filter, which is attached to my euro air cooled light housing, and from there more dryer duct to my inline fan, and from there vented straight up into my attic. Hope that helps? You may need adapters from lowes, 4" to 6". I had to buy two of them for my setup.