1st week watering?

I'm hearing a lot of different answers. I know not to water too much. But ideas of what is too much varies a lot on here. I use a little spray bottle to moisten my jiffy pots when they look light brown and feel light. Which is in the morning and at night. Couldn't be more than a fluid ounce at a time. I also took my jiffy cover off because it started smelling kinda mildewy, was worried about mold. My sprouts are a week in the soil and one sprouted instantly. The other sprouted only yesterday 6 days later.

Should I keep it covered? I noticed it drys way fast without the lid. But im worried about that slight mildew smell. Should I be?

Oh and they are under 2 25w cfls and a 180w led for now.


Well-Known Member
hi, when theyre young they like high humidity as they have no real root structure yet, so they rely on light and moisture through the leaves, so the lid will proberly help, the smell is proberbly the fact that its humid, i dont know about led lighting so dont know if thats good or not for seedlings, once potted into the first pots i normally only have to water once per week, easy test is weigh a dry pot in your hand then water one and weigh that and youll get the idea,
hi, when theyre young they like high humidity as they have no real root structure yet, so they rely on light and moisture through the leaves, so the lid will proberly help, the smell is proberbly the fact that its humid, i dont know about led lighting so dont know if thats good or not for seedlings, once potted into the first pots i normally only have to water once per week, easy test is weigh a dry pot in your hand then water one and weigh that and youll get the idea,
Thanks for the comment. I know once I replant I'll only need to water once a week, but I'm confused about watering while in their little starter pods. I feel like most of the water is evaporating instead of being drank too. Idk. I just don't want to over water. I guess nothing is droopy yet. I'm just worried abo it my little girls. Ha


Well-Known Member
hey no shame in that, defo beter to be on the side of caution, and if theyre not strugling id go with your gut, the way i look at it is its easier to give more water then it is to take it away, no plant i know of died or got real bad because it was slightly underwatered for a few days, but overwatering can flood roots etc etc,


Well-Known Member
Leave them uncovered once they sprout man. Think of nature they don't have all this luxury and they grow to be monsters. Do it how nature does as best you can. Put the seeds in dirt, once they sprout give them a little light and when they get bigger give them more light simple as that. Don't make things too complicated cause it only leads to complications.


Well-Known Member
Get used to starving them a little for water. Try watering then going a solid day at least after the watering day, then repeat with just little water in the center area mainly, not the whole pot. Your medium is just drying on top. Your plant has water beneath the soil. Watering day and night is overkill. Dont over love it. Learn to let it starve a bit for water. It wont die, it will grow longer roots :-)


Well-Known Member
Leave them uncovered once they sprout man. Think of nature they don't have all this luxury and they grow to be monsters. Do it how nature does as best you can. Put the seeds in dirt, once they sprout give them a little light and when they get bigger give them more light simple as that. Don't make things too complicated cause it only leads to complications.
i agree in theory but nature dosent have central heating and insulation, yes we all look at nature but indoors id say we try to maximise the areas we can, we cant yet really do the sun and believe me your ppm outside is tottaly different to inside, but we strive to do the bits we can to the best of our ability, do you really think nature waters every couple of days and gives nutes as needed??? nah its good to nod to nature but youll not be recreating it in your bedroom, let alone seeds that have been bred for indoor growing, yes our plants are hardy,and no doubt will grow well by themselves, but id rather try to give them the best start possible, remember not every plant in nature survives or stays female, not to say i dont love nature lol