2-3 Weeks From harvest and plants are starting to look like crap

These are soil grown and hand watered/feed and sprayed. Fox farm soil and nutes.
I water these everyday when they come on with about half a pitcher of water. I also spray them vigorously 1-2 times while the lights are on.
I feed the nutes once a week every tuesday.

I am about 2-3 weeks out and the buds are getting pretty big and now some of my girls are starting to look this way. I realize that near the end of the life cycle the leaves start to turn yellow and fall off, but the whole plant looks like this with very few green leaves and the yellow leaves are curling and crispy. The buds leaves themselves are drooping. Am i over watering ? or to many nutes? Should i flush them out??? Please help i dont want to lose these..photo (2).jpgphoto (3).jpgphoto (4).jpg
I kinda figured it was over watering. But what about the crispy leaves? they fall apart to the touch. Im thinking maybe nutrient burn also...

I put a little bit of cal-mag in last nights watering...to see if it would help a little.

I have been using the 3 fox farms nutes. Grow Big - Tiger Bloom - BIg Bloom

they are in 5x5 tents , with filters and 1000W Hps Light. Soil medium in 5gal buckets.


Well-Known Member
Dude all the leaves are gonners.. photosynthesis is over. Set aside some time within the next few days, its gonna be an early harvest.


Active Member
the leaves are crispy because when you spray them with water while the lights are on the light gets magnified on the leaves and burns them.
i have about 11 others in the tent with that one but that one was by far the worst one. The others are no were near bad but are showing the same signs.
Ive cut down the other one and having it trimmed as i type this.
I was just trying to narrow down what i have to fix so the rest dont fall into the same situation.


Active Member
not harvest.... not ready.... just remove the bad leaves.... clean the spidermites (because you have many)
greets from holland


Well-Known Member
starting to look like crap? That implies it just "started" happening. Leaves with that much damage suggest something that has been going on for a looong time.


Well-Known Member
spraying down with lights on, burned it up. But I'm a newb too. So what do I know, having minor problems myself.


Well-Known Member
Hi there what's probably happening your over doing itthat's to much water to give daily
and its bad to spray down your plant when the lights are on it burns them from the light
Try letting your plant dry out a little bit it will tell
You when it wants water the leaves will droop


Active Member
Two things you did wrong:
Water only when the plant really needs it. By overwatering you are drowning your plant. They can not take in the reqired oxygen and nutriants due to being choked by all that water. The roots will start to rot and be unable to supply what the plant needs so she trys to rob the leaves of what it needs to survive. The cure: stop watering so much. let the soil dry out to the point that the pot feels light. If the roots have developed 'rot' or a root fungas, then an h2o2 flush will bring them back to life.
Never spray a budding plant with any kind of moisture when budding, as this will make an ideal situation for bud rot to infect them. Never spray with lights on as the moisture on the leaves will act like little magnifying glasses and burn the plant. If foliar spraying, or spraying for bugs/mildew is a must, then do it right after lights out, and make sure you have a good air flow to dry them out befor the lights come back on again.
I have successfully brought crisp, dead looking plants back to full life and production after just such a situation as your experiancing by flushing the pot with hydrogen peroxide/water solution and then feeding with a high N nutriant mix. This will kill all the fungas in the soil and on the roots, as well as give the plants a 'charge' of extra oxygen which they are dieing for. Then let the pot go dry afterwords. Dry to the point of drooping leaves. Feed again with a worm casting tea or other solution to reintroduce benificial bacteria thet where also killed off by the h2o2 flush.

I will agree that the one plant you have may be too far gone to recover, and needs to be harvested. Sorry. When you do harvest, and for your own education, check out the roots carefully of the plant you harvesty. Are the roots a nice white color? ( I dought it at theis point) if they are a brown or tan color than the roots have been infected. A sure sign of fungal infection.

Just a little info for future referance.