2 day old clones


Active Member
Sensi Star clones

Hey guys I know there is another spot for this but i've been on three other forums and I can't get any help. I don't want these girls to go on me.... Please someone take a look and give me some advice??

these are 12 day old clones in rockwool and ocean forest soil. They have been in rockwool for 10 days and soil for 2. they started browning/yellowing at day 10 and there were roots showing so i put them in soil thinking that would solve the problem. this is now day 2 in soil and it's getting worse!!!! what can i do???



Active Member
Sorry they are under 23 watt 5500k cfl about 6" above the plants. Temps are avg 77deg and there are plastic bags over to bring RH up to about 60-70%


Active Member
I have very little experience but it looks like a nutrient problem, like overfertilization type of burn.

It could also be the soil that they where put in since it seems that there were only problems after they were in soil. I would change the soil if its possible without hurting the roots

or wait for an expert


Well-Known Member
i would put em in a propagator and mist them regularly... i took clones a couple weeks ago and did this, now ive got these...


Active Member
I would put it on a windowsill or somewhere with atleast a few hours of sun. I think they would grow better


Well-Known Member
did u take these from a budding plant? I dont think they look to bad but they do look weird. yellowing is normal. does the soil u have them in have a strong nute content?


Well-Known Member
if the soil does not have a strong nute content then u should be ok. If they came from a flowering plant then they are going to do some weird things. They are trying to adjust. I cloned from a flowering plant and they looked like this all of a sudden they blasted off with about ten main shoots coming from the center part.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
IMP, you did not get help before because you did not give enough info for anyone to give a good answer.
Here is my guess though. This is your first grow so you went with a cheap soil that has time released nuts in it. You are watering and misting your plants each day or every other day, which is making this time released soil release the nuts to hard and to fast. So, you have crappy soil and you are over watering. This is my guess with what info you have not given.

That aside, your CUTTINGS do not look to bad, they yellow on the tips a lot of the time. Did you buy those cuttings, or someone give them to you already rooted?


Well-Known Member
Your rockwool is probably over saturated and the roots are oxygen starved. Rockwool should only be damp not wet and putting them in the soil is probably only keeping the rockwool wet. :peace:

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
at ten plus days with roots coming out they should not need humidity.
Here< Here>>> did not notice he was bagging them for extra humidity. That is just looking for trouble in my opinion. You have not idea how warm it gets inside that bag, unless you get inside a plastic garbage bag for a few hours inside your grow room. :o


Active Member
Wow thanks everyone for the guess's Im sorry for not giving you all the whole picture i was nervous before.

I did take them from a plant that was 14 days into 12/12 .

The soil is fox farm ocean forest and this is my third generation of crops ever.

The room temps never get above 77 and below 70. I did have one clone from the same plant do the same thing and now is looking much better.


Active Member
Bobman - when i take the bags off the leaves curl up like a taco and i'm afraid they are gonna die.. any thoughts? i usually take the bags off once i see new growth on them

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Everything sounds good. Cuttings sometimes just wilt to wilt. Hope they recover nicely for you.

By the way. How often do you water them? And are you misting them or not? I do not mist my cuttings or my plants. At least I hardly ever do.


Well-Known Member
if u have roots they will make it but hold on because u may see some trippy shit. The growth could get very weird.


Well-Known Member
looks nice. just started some durga mata. was going to go with the sensi but I wanted to hold off paying extra until i trusted a seedbank