2 foot in less than a week!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I went on holiday on day 22 of my 3 cheese & 2 autos (trainwreck & easyryder). Id also added 2 other cheese to my tent as I thought I had space, they are 2 weeks old.

Day 22 they were about 6" tall, now day 29 the autos are 30" with the cheese not far behind. The 2 later cheese are getting no light and are lieing down in the shade but weirdly still looking alive and well..although horizontal.

Im in a 1x1x2 mtre tent with a 400hps.

There is not much room left now...what do I do? ill get some pics up.

These picsa are 11 days ago ...and today.



Active Member
they look good man, if your worried about height get some pipe cleaners and use them to train the stems to grow at angles, I think its called LST.


Well-Known Member
Im 12 inches off the light and not due to flower for a few weeks yet. Should i flip them now? They are in 4" rockwool on a NFT setup. Ive not got much space to work with and it looks like ill have to bin the 2 week old cheese due to low light.


Well-Known Member
I also topped the 3 older cheese before I went away.

If this becomes a majot problem is it possible to chop a 1/3 off?


Active Member
many plants double in size when they enter flowering, so be prepared for another big spurt for the first like 2-3 weeks after you change over.
if you're already out of room you'll need to do something drastic maybe.
although i don't know anything about your strains and maybe they won't

ftc Lando

very sweet results. what nutes u use? Great results for rockwool, personally i dont like it, retains too much water. My eb flow is using only expanded clay and water 15on 1:45 off and off during dark in veg and once during 12 off for flower.


Well-Known Member
I was using Vitalink Plantstart untill before my hol when i decided to use the vitalink range for veg. Talk about steriod feeding, ive now got trees.

2 of the cheese are the late ones that were on their arse yesterday. Now getting light and growing upright.


Well-Known Member
The mrs just smelt burning......the fookin air stone pump was smoking and on fire inside. No harm done but fuck me I only came of my hols yesterday and nearly stayed an extra night. Anyway, I dont think I can bend these big main stems, they are thick.

Will I survive with no air stone for around a weeek?


Well-Known Member
80F at plant ground level. Id imagine that is now lower than the 90 it was due to the fact the thermometer being sheilded from the HPS. The top of the tent is open and a 6" fan blowing inwards, its also not hot here.


Well-Known Member
Due to the size today I started bloom nutes but not flipped the light just yet. had a little tie up in there and it dont look so bad although the 4 are still very tall, 1 medium and the 2 late ones about 4 inches. I guess ill lose them.

Have I panicked or due to size or am I right to flip them at 32 days old?