2 hermies late flowering, what should i do?

Sunny Dee

4 plants total

2 plants at 53 days (hermied)
2 plants at 32 days (seem to be fine)

should i chopp my hermies? or keep them going? will they pollinate my other early budders? more so, will they still produce THC once they have hermied and growing random banana looking things

any advice would be great full


Sunny Dee

thanks man. but wont they pollinate my others? i wanted them to go 70 days.. they actually look almost ready. buyt the more i look at them in natural lighting i think i see seed pods or something idk doesnt seem to be calyx im used to seeing.

Sunny Dee

there all over now that i can see them in natural lighting. its alot tougher to spot under HPS. i dont wanna risk my other 2 babys who are doing amazingly well at only 32 days..

biggest question

can the bannas or pods (bc I notice a male pods at the top) pollinate once its cut down? what if i chop hang to to dry can this plant polinate all the way downstairs to my flower tent? is this possible?
id say yes if you get any on your cloths and bring it in the growroom ive had males in the other room and my garden was fine but that room was sealed from the rest of the house


New Member
Grandma needs help and I can not post pictures or start a thread. Can someone email me at [email protected]. I have two close up pics of what I think is nanners but, I have no clue. I have worked so hard to provide a good growing room and I d not want to have seeds. If anyone is inclined please send me an email so you can look at what I picked off. Or tell me how to post on here. Thank you