2 months in and looking for some feedback


Started this batch October 1st and begin flowering November 1st. So that is 1 month of vegetating and 1 month of flowering so far. I initially had the light on a 12/12 schedule, but have dropped it to 18/6 since November 20th due to fear of the plants getting to close to the light. I am really just looking for some feedback on what to do from hear on out because I feel that I have messed up in the final stages in previous grows and would like to not to repeat the same mistakes.

Should I leave them at the 18/6 or put them back on a 12/12 schedule?

Is it time to switch from a flowering nutrient feed schedule to a Ripening one?
- I am using the General Hydroponics Nutrient Calculator for a 3.5 Gallon Bucket

And when it comes time to harvest I have been thinking of hanging the girls from their roots for 2 weeks or so in the same closet I have been growing them in. Any ideas on that?

These where taken on the 30th


Well-Known Member
I'll work backwards...

Why leave roots, dont you want it to dry quickly? Just cut it.

Quote:Started this batch October 1st and begin flowering November 1st. So that is 1 month of vegetating and 1 month of flowering so far. I initially had the light on a 12/12 schedule, but have dropped it to 18/6 since November 20th due to fear of the plants getting to close to the light. I am really just looking for some feedback on what to do from hear on out because I feel that I have messed up in the final stages in previous grows and would like to not to repeat the same mistakes

Everybody makes mistakes, it's correcting them that is important.
Well, you veg your plants on 18/6 and flower on 12/12. That's a must know. Why would you put them back in veg if you didnt want them to grow more? Doesnt make sense dude. What you need to do is research because you seem a little lost. Just start reading guides. Everbody does it a little different but the commonalities are easily seen.

Should you decide to flower a bloom nutrient is ideal. Flush before you use it.


I think you misunderstood me... I veged with lights always on 24/7 for a month straight. Initally dropped the lights to 12 on 12 off and now have them at 6 on 18 off
I'll work backwards...

Why leave roots, dont you want it to dry quickly? Just cut it.

Quote:Started this batch October 1st and begin flowering November 1st. So that is 1 month of vegetating and 1 month of flowering so far. I initially had the light on a 12/12 schedule, but have dropped it to 18/6 since November 20th due to fear of the plants getting to close to the light. I am really just looking for some feedback on what to do from hear on out because I feel that I have messed up in the final stages in previous grows and would like to not to repeat the same mistakes

Everybody makes mistakes, it's correcting them that is important.
Well, you veg your plants on 18/6 and flower on 12/12. That's a must know. Why would you put them back in veg if you didnt want them to grow more? Doesnt make sense dude. What you need to do is research because you seem a little lost. Just start reading guides. Everbody does it a little different but the commonalities are easily seen.

Should you decide to flower a bloom nutrient is ideal. Flush before you use it.


Well-Known Member
ya that was a little confusing you posted it as 18/6 when it should be 6/18 but any how what kinda setup you got (light setup, hydro setup etc). might be able to help a little better from there if you mess with the lights to much it can trigger them to switch to hermies i would just leave 12/12 4 weeks in flower they should stop stretching very soon. how tall where they when they went into flowering


ya that was a little confusing you posted it as 18/6 when it should be 6/18 but any how what kinda setup you got (light setup, hydro setup etc). might be able to help a little better from there if you mess with the lights to much it can trigger them to switch to hermies i would just leave 12/12 4 weeks in flower they should stop stretching very soon. how tall where they when they went into flowering
I am using a 450 watt HPS bulb now that they are flowering and was using a MH bulb during veg.

Each plant is in its on 5 gallon bucket with air stones and a water pump that circulates the water up to the pots allowing it to flow down the roots.

At the beginning of flowering the plants where about 3.5" and are now reaching the 6" mark. There is about a foot of growing space left for them before they start to burn themselves.

Have now put the lights on a 12/12 schedule.... hope I don't shock them


Active Member
Generally, the stretch is about 40% of the flowering time, so if you're growing indica they probably are at (or very close to) the final height. So congrats, you just got in under the wire.

Don't worry about extended dark periods - unless you've got some really shitty genetics, it's not darkness you need to worry about, it's interrupted or short nights that'll fuck everything up. I doubt it'd slow down the stretch anyway - that's more of an environmental and hormonal issue than something that can be manipulated with the photoperiod.
Your plant looks ok. A little leggy tho. Go back to 12/12 and tie your plant down with strings. Look up LST. in week one and two of flowering cut those skinny stems of even if they are flowering. Do this gradually so the you don't Stress the plant out too much. You want the plant to focus on the colas up tops. The leggy stems if left won't produce to much.


Well-Known Member
I am using a 450 watt HPS bulb now that they are flowering and was using a MH bulb during veg.

Each plant is in its on 5 gallon bucket with air stones and a water pump that circulates the water up to the pots allowing it to flow down the roots.

At the beginning of flowering the plants where about 3.5" and are now reaching the 6" mark. There is about a foot of growing space left for them before they start to burn themselves.

Have now put the lights on a 12/12 schedule.... hope I don't shock them
so when they went into flower you had them at 3.5 feet dam ya i would next time cut some veg time out for sure plants get taller faster in flower than veg they should be done stretching pretty quick though.