2 Plants & 2 four foot Flouro's

I have 2 plants that have been growing under some flouro's. (This until Im able to get my hps set-up) The big plant is 22 inches tall and has already started to flower. Im wondering how much yeild I may get. The top cola is pretty good sized being grown from flouro alone.



Well-Known Member
I'd say about 7-10 grams each, maybe a tad more. Depends on when you get the HPS. When are you expecting it?
By the end of the month. I have a out building that I want to use as my "base of operations". Its 12x12 and was wondering if I veg else where with flouro's what size light should I use for the flowering in a 12x12 area? 033.jpg


Well-Known Member
^At minimum, I'd go with four 400 watt lights. Four 600's would be better, and of course, four 1000's is the best way to go.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 plants that have been growing under some flouro's. (This until Im able to get my hps set-up) The big plant is 22 inches tall and has already started to flower. Im wondering how much yeild I may get. The top cola is pretty good sized being grown from flouro alone.
those are beautiful girls, yeah you need to get that hps it will make em pop, i just started to flower mine with the 400w hps (i vegged with 400 watt MH) and it is making them POP...i have 3 plants in a 5 gal bucket under 2 40w fluoros and they are ready almost to go under the MH..

i subbed you and gave u rep...check out my grow in my sig and see what a 400 watt will do